(6) intro (7) CDK (8) CloudFormation (9) install CDK (10) base project deployment (11) project exploration (12) CDK types and commands (13) CDK Outputs (cf terraform output) (14) CDK Deployment Parameters (15) CDK core - recap
(6) intro
(7) CDK abstraction of aws resources reusable components
use AWS CDK to:
- create and deploy AWS resources
- configure those resources
- link together resources into constructs
uses JSII (javascript interop interface)
(8) CloudFormation
(9) install CDK
npm i -g aws-cdk
brew install aws-cdk
(10) base project deployment
(11) project exploration bin/first-cdk.ts
(12) CDK types and commands CDK commands
Add constructs to the stack bin/first-cdk.ts lib/first-cdk-stack.ts (13) CDK Outputs (cf terraform output)
(14) CDK Deployment Parameters
cdk deploy --parameters duration=9
(15) CDK core - recap https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v2/docs/aws-construct-library.html