- Block Storage
- instance storage
- EBS volumes
- Object Storage: S3
- storage classes
- File Storage: Elastic File System (EFS)
- Relational Database Service (RDS)
- database engines
- Amazon Aurora
- database engines
- DynamoDB
- Database Migration Service (DMS)
- additional services
- Redshift
- DocumentDB
- Neptune
- Managed Blockchain
- ElastiCache
- DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
storage types
Block Storage
instance store (data lives with the instance)
block storage physically attached to instances
- speed
- not persistence
Elastic Block Store (EBS)
persistence - data can outlive the instance
(default deleted)
single availability zone
roll-back to previous snapshot
EBS multi-attach
- attach EBS to multiple instances
Object Storage object storage = access via api not file storage = nfs / smb
Object vs Block object: if you make a 1 pixel change, the whole object is changed block: if you make a 1 pixel change, the block containing that pixel is changed
Simple Storage Service (S3)
S3 storage classes
- Standard
- Standard IA (Infrequent Access)
- Standard One Zone IA (Infrequent Access)
- Intelligent Tiering
- Glacier Instant Retrieval
- Glacier Flexible Retrieval
- Glacier Deep Archive
File Storage
Elastic File System (EFS)
nfs or smb
Database types
Relational Database Service (RDS)
can imitate api of: mysql XOR postgres
why? (why not mysql / postgres
- it’s faster
- integration with AWS services
aka “NoSQL”
aka “Key-Value”
key-value / nosql
10 trillion requests / day
Database Migration Service (DMS)
Additional database services
- Redshift
- DocumentDB
- Neptune
- Managed Blockchain
- ElastiCache
- DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)