

Hello world

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
fmt.Println("Hello world!")
go run main.go

go build # compile files go run # compile + execute go fmt # format all files in PWD

# dependencies: go install # install a package go get # download raw src coude

go test # run tests

package ~= project

package main -> executable package not_main -> library

package main MUST have

func main(){}

golang.org/pkg available in the standard library

Go Types

# full declaration
var my_name string = "foo bar"

# shorthand
my_name := "foo bar"

raw types

  • bool
  • string
  • int
  • float64


  • array // fixed length
  • slice // variable size
// slice
foo := []string{"a", "b"}
foo = append(foo, "c")

// array


  • map

custom types

// cf type alias

type deck []string

functions with ‘deck’ as a ‘receiver’ // cf type extensions

func (d deck) print() {
for i, card := range d {
fmt.Println(i, card)



type casting []byte(“foo bar”)

Unit Testing


Go error: cannot find main module, but found .git/config

Run intelli/golandj files without having to add each file manually

  • ? is there really no other way to write test for go? no asserts or anything?


type person struct {
firstname string
lastname string

alex := person{"Alex", "Anderson"}
// or
blex := person{firstname: "Blex", lastname: "Anderson"}

print fieldnames + values

fmt.Printf("clex: %+v", clex)
> clex: {firstname: lastname:}

Pointers “Go is a pass by value language”

  • structs are pass by value? (instead of pass by reference)
// or shorter:

func (p *person) updateFirstName(newFirstName string) {
(*p).firstname = newFirstName

&variableName // return memory address for variable *pointerName // return value for memory adress *typeName // type description

  • slices/arrays are pass by reference? yes and no? -> they seem to act like pass by reference slice = struct { pointer to head // pointer to array capacity // array size length // current length }

Reference types // behave like pass by reference

  • slices
  • maps
  • channels
  • pointers
  • functions


colors := map[string]string{
"red": "#ff0000",
"blue": "#0000ff",
colors := make(map[string]string)
var colors map[string]string

colors["white"] = "#fffff"
delete(colors, "red")


type bot interface {
getGreeting(string, int) (string, error)

func printGreeting(b bot) {
fmt.Println(b.getGreeting("", 0))

type englishBot struct{}
func (eb englishBot) getGreeting(_ string, _ int) (string, error) {
return "Hi there!"

concrete type vs interface type cannot (directly) create an instance from an interface // cf java cannot new an abstract class (without creating an anonymous)

Go has no support for generics

nested interfaces

type ReadCloser interface {
type Reader interface {
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
type Closer interface {
Close() error



resp, err := http.Get("https://example.com")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body)

Concurrent programming

  • Channels
  • Go Routines

Go Routine

# add go in front of a function call
go checkLink(link)

-> no output, because the main routine stops before any child routine is printing

Channel single type

c := make(chan string)
go checkLink(link, c)
message <- c // blocking call

func checkLink(link string, c chan string) {
c <- link // blocking call


for {
go checkLink(<-c, c)
for l := range c { // cleaner
go checkLink(l, c)

Function Literal (aka lambda)


fix closure problems

func(foo string){...}("hello")