Video: Software, Faster - Dan North

Software, Faster - Dan North

patterns of effective delivery

Jeff Sutterland talks about hyper performing teams from years to months

PATTERN: repeatable strategy depends on context (vs best practice no context) has name context (where it works) warning (where it does not work)

best practice -> novice

design pattern book: != pattern idioms to get by in a crappy language

EFFECTIVE: goal - what are we optimising for eg. lead time time to market quality learning predictability (agile = predictability) what are we trading off?

DELIVERY: “people don’t want a quarter inch drill, they want a quarter inch hole”


Spike and Stabilize [development]

new code or stable code no middleground code not tested not documented not fresh: how did this work? spike experiment in code metaphor: nail through wood asap timeboxed throw away

real options options theory + real life options have value expire “never tie in early”

=> treat all code as a spike // todo review of shame 2nd time through charactarisation test ’test driven testing'

only works if -> you promise to stabilise

rules second timeback test document pay for cleanup set timer in 6 weeks


Hair Trigger [deployment/operations]

team deploys only code can deploy quickly can mess up quickly

safety catch


Ginger Cake

copying existing code only code you knowintimately - structural - behavioral opposite of dry

DRY is a pattern, and has tradeoffs dark side of DRY coupling


Shallow Silos [team] NOT “silo bad, cross functional good”

NOT rotation shared standup

NOT everything or silos


Burn the Ships [learning]

I’m gonna build this thing, by this date, using this technology

indirect learning

How lon “On avarage between 5-15 years for full paradigm shift, because 3 things are needed 1. downward pressure (immovable deadline) 2. run out of options 3. information So I make friends with companies and wait. " -- Eli Goldratt

takes a lot of discipline “oh shiny, tutorials, look!”





Eric Gamma ruined patterns?

Book: Fearless Change - Linda Rising pattern language for organisational change

Why the name ‘hairtrigger’? sense of danger gun, barely need to touch the trigger

How to sell the stabilise part? traders understand risk

Only seniors? no, everyone