SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology - Katherine Kirk & Dan North (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q87wNNiygaM)
lead time: time between ‘I have a need’ and ’thank you’
…oh crap…
I’ll wait till you get back to me
“we need to do the method better!”
“we need to do it more!”
2 simple concepts trigger leadership and help go from large to small scale delivery
aka 3 characteristics of context
what if we work with the model?
dissatisfaction as feedback for learning
What’s happening, that these elements are going wrong?
we need to do the method better?
we need to do it more?
dysfunction: eg. body illness
any method: will degrade and expire
things we need
things we do
education: eg. don rinontsen’s product development flow is really hard ; safe is intro to how flow works
time: 3-5 years
influence: access to ppl who can change structure, privilege
external help
- consistent: if you rotate CTO every x months, don’t bother
- invested: not a side project
- resilient: up and down the org
[ ] don rinontsen’s product development flow
assume positive intent
pathological behaior is from the system
ToC: you can’t know the next one, until this one is done
see what is there
- vidualize: value stream mapping - work, queue, blockers, dependency, interdepency
- stabilize, even if it’s bad, as long as it’s consistent
- optimize
based on data, learn
there is no “The Answer”
start with a method, but expect degradation
you’ll tire out
with degradation, change
There is hope: “we can understand the universe, we just can’t beat it”