Model: people express who they are with symbols

January 19th, 2021


Well, I see myself as someone who <why>,

and it's important for me to surround myself with the people, products and brands

that prove to the outside world who I believe I am.

Biologically that's what happened.

(src: Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek p63 )


Quote: prove to the outside world who I am

Well, you see.

I see myself as someone who <why>.

And so it's very important for me to surround myself

with all the people and the products and the brands

to prove to the outside world who I am.


Because I am using these things to tell people who I am.

In an attempt to attract people who believe what I believe.

So that I can start to form strong bonds of trust.

Because my own survival depends on it.


It is a symbol of who I am.

(src: Video: Start With Why - Simon Sinek)


Quote: brands become symbols of who we are

Because Apple is

so clear about what they believe,

so disciplined in how they do it

and so consistent in what they do.


That symbol now serves as a representation of who I believe I am.

And if I surround myself with enough of these symbols.

And if I'm consistent enough, you'll know something about me.