Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George

November 17th, 2020

Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George


Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George



tasking cycle duration of steps

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simple design

(Model: 4 rules of simple design)

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book: refactoring


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apply refactoring


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Book: Refactoring to Patterns - Joshua Kerievsky


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apply patterns


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learn to write in this style



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learn + apply

can learn on the job

(if the team is working this way)


with training  is so much faster


ROI training to write this way



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15 days - old style

5 days - learning

12 days - new style

=> break even in 11 days after training

added another pair => productivity increase


OO bootcamp (aka training)



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apprentice, journeyman, apprentice



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journeyman 2x

master 10x


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Course materials



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suspicious statements


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suspicious methods



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suspicious classes



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eg. XxxManager, god classes


I do about 5 instance variables


training results



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  • don't have conceptual skills to understand what you're talking about

  • tech lead / team lead who can't stand others more performant



  • conceptual skills


use within a month

WITH others who know how







Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby - Sydney Mets

Refactoring - Martin Fowler

(either the original in java, or the ruby one in ruby)

Learn to Program (Pragmatic Programmers)


naming conventions

- return value


pairing is very powerful for naming