OWASP Broken Access Control

September 10th, 2022

Broken Access Control

application problems that allow attackers to access data they shouldn't

eg. other user's data

eg. system data like passwords file


a) direct object access

url probing

  • anti-pattern: database IDs in URLs

  • pattern: unique non-sequential IDs

  • pattern: generic URL that is session sensitive (eg. /users/me)

  • pattern: session-specific mapping from random IDs to real IDs

    • 😞 service must populate all response URLs

    • 😞 links will not persist across sessions (violates REST)

authorize access to objects

  • pattern: check on every request

  • information leakage

    • eg. size of your customer base (403 vs 404 on sequential customer IDs)

    • eg. email from a known customer (403 vs 404 on email address)

    • pattern: 404 instead of 403

Heuristic: if a caller is not authorized to see the contents of a resource, it should be as if the resource does not exist


b) directory traversal attacks


  • eg '../../../etc/passwd'


  • pattern: create a random filename, store the client's filename as metadata

ref: common weakness enumeration - 22 path traversal




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