Model: values, principles, methods, tools & activities

August 31st, 2022

Model: values, principles, methods, tools & activities

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how we should be, regardless of situation or context

eg. customer focus

Quote: values guide how we should act



how we should make decisions, what we should prioritize

eg. just in time: creating flow

eg. Model: jidoka: see the whole picture all the time

just in time + jidoka = anything disturbing flow can be identified



how we should perform different tasks

eg. standardization: method to develop other methods "standardization is a standard for establishing standards"

eg. visual planning: visualizing and continually update all of the relevant information concerning the business

eg. blow the whistle: as soon a something unexpected happens, blow the whistle, everyone stops, find the root cause, improve, then continue (Quote: jidoka "is" the whistle)

tools & activities: what we need to have & what we need to do


Metaphor: a company is like a tree


this model helps reduce variation in an organization

Quote: reduce variation in an organization


(src: Book: This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)