Talk: Incidents are new normal - Kasia Balcerzak

February 5th, 2021

Lightning Talk: Incidents are new normal - Kasia Balcerzak


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blameless incident review

(1) gather facts

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everything related to incident



how our org behaved before, during, after the incident


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not: when did you discover

yes: How did you discover...


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led to the incident

or made the incident worse


causal factors by themselves are not a problem


incident = when causal factors are combined


eg. "not enough time for testing"


Root Causes

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anything that allowed to happen + be ignored


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serious incidents are combination


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Don't prevent things from going wrong!

Try to make things go right!


risk management: "Can we handle this when it fails"


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building a learning org is the only way to be proactive


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failing things are normal

broken production is not normal


never waste a good incident to improve your org/product

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