Model: 3 data ownership patterns (in microservice architecture)

July 28th, 2022

Model: Data ownership (in microservice architecture)

the owner is the one who writes to the table


(1) Pattern: Single Ownership

(2) Pattern: Common Ownership

  • solution: create a service around the shared table

(3) Pattern: Joint Ownership

  • solution 1: table split pattern

  • solution 2: data domain

  • solution 3: delegation



(1) Pattern: Single ownership (data ownership in microservices)

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(2) Pattern: Common Ownership (data ownership in microservices)

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solution: create a service around the shared table

eg. create a service "Audit Service"



(3) Pattern: Joint Ownership (data ownership in microservices)

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Solution 1: table split pattern

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catalog needs to update inventory

synchronous vs asynchronous communication


Solution 2: data domain

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-> bounded context now contains 2 services


Solution 3: delegation

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