Metaphor: leadership is like health

December 23rd, 2020


the education to become a leader

is a lifestyle,

it's like the choice to become healthy


at the early days it's usually a lot of heavy lifting at a steep learning curve

- I have to change the way I eat

- I have to go to the gym

I hate that


And then you get into shape

and you feel good

and you look good

and your doctor is very happy with you


And the worst part is,

once you get into shape,

you have to keep going to the gym

and eating healthy for the rest of your life


It's not something you do, achieve your goal and then stop

It's the choice to live a life that way

Even though there might have been a finite goal in the short term


Leadership is the same

it is a lifestyle

it is a muscle that requires constant exercise

and though

you may study all of the theory about leadership

and you may have been good at it at one time

if you don't keep it up the muscle will atrophy


(src: Video: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)