Conference: 2021

February 4th, 2021




Lightning Talks

Talk: Reductionism and Holism in DDD - Trond Hjorteland

Talk: No, you don't need to access my data. - Alberto Brandolini

Talk: Dearth of a Drafter - Einar Høst

Talk: People and Patterns - Andrew Harmel-Law


Session: Social Problems of being a drafter - Tim Schraepen


Session: Pseudocode Refactoring Kata - Mathias Verraes


Lightning Talks

Talk: The Distributed Human System - Alan Jefferies

Talk: What do you mean by “is”? - Duncan Jones

Talk: Tech alignment with Narratives - Lothar Schulz

Talk: The businesscase for architecture - Niek Van Raaij


Session: Enterprise Architecture - community driven, lightweight, opensource - Jacek Majchzak


Session: DDD Language Survival Kit - Colin Damon


Session: Communication Artifacts - Andrea Goulet


Session: Event Sourcing Applicative Profunctors - Jeremy Chassaing


Session: Service Boundaries - Tjen Wellens


Talk: Interview with Eric Evans - Cyrille Martraire


Session: Heuristic Hunting Techniques - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock




Lightning Talks

Talk: Explaining flow in 5 minutes - Michel Grootjans

Talk: Incidents are new normal - Kasia Balcerzak

Talk: Aiding bounded contexts design with design heuristics - Kamil Szymański

Talk: Time-based domain events quickly - Konrad Jakubiec


Session: DDD for products - Alberto Brandolini


Session: DDD Mentorship? - Tim Schraepen


Session: DDD AskMeAnything - Mathias Verraes


Session: Cultural Models and their impact on Software Development - Barry O'Sullivan


Session: Software Development's impact on cultural models - Alberto Brandolini


Session: From Data Mess to Data Mesh - Jacek Majchrzak


Session: Exploring systems thinking - Trond Hjorteland


Lightning Talks

Talk: Story of a Domain Centered architectures in real estate - Javiera Laso

Talk: Sociotechnical Architecture as an enabler for Product Thinking - Eduardo da Silva

Talk: Sweet Streams are Made of These: data-driven development in stream processing - Caito Scherr