Video: Agile Fluency - James Shore

November 12th, 2020

Agile Fluency - James Shore

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several levels of proficiency

fluency = unconscious competence

[ ] ?? which other levels?


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fluency at ANY zone is valuable



Model: company success = business + technology + personal success


Business success makes the company.

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many teams

  • huge business success

  • lousy code



I work with a lot of teams that have huge business success, but have really lousy code.


You go to a company, and you see they are really successful as a company.

You look at their software an you: "Oh my, what is going on here? What is wrong with this code?"


All these companies are really successful with really lousy code.


So I have learned: Business success is independent of technical success.



Lack of technology success breaks the company

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5-7-9 years, cannot make anymore progress on it -> rewrite

Rewrites are bad.

No choice, must rewrite



A lot of those companies hire me, after they've gotten to the point where they can't make any more progress on their software.

They've had big business success.

After about5-7 maybe 9 years with their product, they are finding they can't make any more progress on it.

  • People are complaining about technical debt.

And so they decide to do a total rewrite.

But that is a terrible thing to do if you're a software company.

It means that the software you have now, is the software you're gonna have for the next couple of years. While you stop everything and do the rewrite.


  • your competitors are catching up


Rewrites are a really bad idea as a company.

But the technical debt on their software is so bad they have no choice.



Personal success

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people: stakeholders, team members, everyone involved in the project

They need to have a sense of personal success, or else...

  • not give their all

  • sabotaging behaviour (worst case)



long term company success = business success + technology success + personal success

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Long-term success as a company needs all three


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Technology success == Agile Fluency lvl 2

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deliver sustainable



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- trust from org

- adaptive planning