Course: ADSD - Coupling

April 9th, 2020

Course: Advanced Distributed System Design - Udi Dahan




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incoming vs outgoing coupling


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def: incoming coupling

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def: outgoing coupling

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clarity: incoming vs outgoing

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count coupling


x outboing 1

y incoming 1



x outgoing 5 "is this class single responsibility principle"

y incoming 1 "how many classes do I have to change"


static analysis tool


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hidden coupling


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3 aspects of coupling


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aspect 1: platform (aka interoperability)


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text-based representation on the wire

http, smtp, udp, ...



soap / wsdl / rest




apect 2: time


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aspect time: Pub-Sub explicit caching

make explicit in A that caching is happening



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aspect time: Pub-Sub constraints


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aspect time: Pub-Sub add validity period to data


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aspect time: Pub-Sub consitency

if pub sub not OK time-constraint,

then RPC also not OK (can use cache)

-> transaction across A and B needed



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aspect space: routing


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aspect time: logical owner

logical owner

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coupling 5 dimensions tradeoffs

tradeoffs between dimensions

per ''layer"

keep LOGIC away from all the other

"is the coupling reasonable for it's responsibility"

eg. fromend webapi, platform low, even if HTTP response which is time high coupling

internal component: low temporal at cost of higher platform (pub-sub platform framework)


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