Practice: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code

December 18th, 2020


Practice while doing advent of code exercises.

  • Object Calisthenics

  • TDD

  • refactoring



What is Object Calisthenics?

Model: Object Calisthenics



Why Object Calisthenics?

Code written in this style, should be

  • easier to change

  • easier to understand

  • easier to test

  • easier to reuse


This should cause code to be

  • adaptable / agile / maintainable



What is TDD

Red: write a failing test

Green: in the quickest way possible


  • cleanup code

  • cleanup tests


Refactor ideas





Why TDD?

Writing code in this way, should result in

  • not over-engineered code

  • well-tested code

  • safe-to-refactor code



Why Advent of Code?

These exercises always come in 2 parts:

  1. initial assignment

  2. a new twist in requirements causing the need to change


I expect to be able to experience 'easier to change' in the second step.




Start an AoC assignment part 1



  • Red: write a failing test

  • Green: in the quickest way possible

  • Refactor:

    • Object Calisthenics compliant

    • (maybe) make the implementation broader by removing duplication


Finish part 1


Mini retro:

  • How did it feel?

  • What went well & should do more of?


Start part 2




Finish part 2



  • Were my expectations correct??

  • How did it feel?

  • What went well & should do more of?




  • Object Calisthenics is sufficient for TDD's Refactor step. No other refactors are needed.

  • The change-over from part 1 to part 2 will be seamless, not breaking the flow of coding.

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 1

Retro: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 1

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 2

Retro: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 2

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 4