Video: Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George

November 18th, 2020

Video: Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George


Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George



story tyranny



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requirements hierarchy



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story level

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"Interact with customer on story level"

  • Kent beck

  • scrum ppl


micromanage: task level

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standups: who is doing which task



feature level: much more efficient

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what do you want to accomplish?

ok, get out of our way

I know how to get this thing done

I will come ask questions when I need more information


Agile roles



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  • iteration manager: invented by thoughtworks to place their own project manager without stepping on the toes of the existing person filling that role


Anarchy roles


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Fate of roles: QA



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old days:

  • click stuff

  • "manual regression testing"

  • people who aren't good enough to be programmers



  • tools -> write code

  • understand architecture

==> "what't the difference between you and a programmer"

"but they need to think differently"

  • meh, not strong enough


acceptance testing: "one time shot"

continuous deployment:

  • monitoring

  • constantly tested in production (chaos engineering)



Fate of roles: Business Analyst



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Fate of roles: Manager



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clerk: keep track of stories

leader: natural leader of the group?

ambassador: talk to other people, negotiate, not responsible for making decisions on behalf of the team

coach/mentor: usually not manager

concierge: get's things you need

power-hungry boss


Anarchy roles vs agile roles


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forward's website



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success examples



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business school: "try one new tech, maybe 2 if you're feeling bold"

they did entire new stack, worked great!



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clojure could handle the entire load on 1 VM



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GoogleAds penalises latency in adds







Agile Best Practices - not used



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we care about results

blame game:

  • who you work with

  • iteration plan

  • did you deliver code


microservices killed:

  • unit test

  • acceptance test

  • refactoring

  • patterns

=> processes used to maintain balls of mud









Yes mistakes will happen sometimes

but not having all the overhead of other people, you're still ahead financially


mail online



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article lead time: 20 minutes

article max 6h front page


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poly-skilled workers

experts float around


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desks -> tables



mail-online: mastery



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mail-online: people focus



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key skills we care about

important for mail online



db: sql, nosql

ruby -> clojure




mail-online: career



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systems dev: poly

same pay as senior

extremely valuable to the organisation


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they didn't have any masters

maybe now they do


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mail-online: training



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  • new codebase requires training



mail-online: flexible project approach


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mail-online: scorecard



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Outpace - startup in california



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startup in california


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recruitment is easy