2023  26

June  5

Developer experience platforms - Erik Dörnenburg

June 30, 2023

Model: superpower

June 23, 2023

run taiko with brave persisting browser state

June 16, 2023

Model: When SRE? Mission Critical, Operable, Mutable

June 9, 2023

edit current terminal command in vim

June 6, 2023

March  13

GCP App Engine

March 28, 2023

OAuth for Server-Side applications (oauth2 secure backend flow)

March 25, 2023

circleci pipeline failed notification in google chat (aka gchat, hangouts)

March 24, 2023

jest typescript test fetch

March 24, 2023

Book: It’s not Luck - Eliyahu M Goldratt

March 23, 2023

Business goals (aka role of the CEO)

March 23, 2023

google cloud function go GCP

March 22, 2023

run gcp functions locally (python)

March 22, 2023

Go error: cannot find main module, but found .git/config

March 16, 2023

Run intelli/golandj files without having to add each file manually

March 16, 2023

Course: Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) - Stephen Grider

March 14, 2023

GCP create config account

March 10, 2023

run terraform as a service account

March 10, 2023

February  5

impact map + hypothesis driven development

February 26, 2023


February 24, 2023

nix hello world (building my own package)

February 18, 2023

micronaut library standalone project

February 14, 2023

AWS rest api gateway custom domain name 403 forbidden

February 7, 2023

January  3

python poetry intellij

January 30, 2023

Best practice vs sensible default

January 27, 2023

Gradle dependencies

January 26, 2023

2022  205

September  45

NGINX: single page application static website (nginx docker)

September 26, 2022

typescript compile alias cmd for tsc

September 26, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 10. Using AWS inside a React project with Amplify

September 17, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 15. other courses

September 17, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 9. Front-end for our back-end with React

September 17, 2022

React: Passing Functions to Components

September 17, 2022

TypeScript: Pattern: Lazy Singleton

September 17, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 11. Application Development

September 16, 2022

AWS Cognito - user pool vs identity pool

September 15, 2022

1password cli using environment variables in command line with bash

September 14, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 7. Securing APIs with AWS Cognito

September 14, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 8. AWS Cognito Identity pools

September 14, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 14. Typescript recap

September 12, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 6. AWS DynamoDb with CDK and Lambda

September 12, 2022

CDK commands

September 12, 2022

Typescript: Catch error types

September 12, 2022

Typescript: Type Guards

September 12, 2022

Article: Why your daily stand-ups don’t work and how to fix them

September 11, 2022

Model: OWASP top 10

September 10, 2022

OWASP Broken Access Control

September 10, 2022

OWASP Broken Authentication and Session Management

September 10, 2022

OWASP Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

September 10, 2022

OWASP Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

September 10, 2022

OWASP Injection

September 10, 2022

OWASP Insufficient Attack Protection

September 10, 2022

OWASP Security Misconfiguration

September 10, 2022

OWASP Sensitive Data Exposure

September 10, 2022

OWASP Underprotected APIs

September 10, 2022

OWASP Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

September 10, 2022

OWASP XML External Entities (XXE)

September 10, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 2. CDK & CloudFormation

September 9, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 3. Serverless project

September 9, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 4. Lambda - bundling, testing and debugging

September 9, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 5. Testing and debugging Lambdas

September 9, 2022

cdk run local lambda with sam-cli

September 9, 2022

Debug typescript file with breakpoints (credentials via 1password)

September 9, 2022

aws credentials - don’t store plaintext

September 7, 2022

CLI: grab table of contents on a site

September 7, 2022

Course: AWS & Typescript Masterclass - CDK, Serverless, React

September 7, 2022

Model: 3 future horizons

September 5, 2022

Model: Brooks law - adding manpower to a late software project makes it later

September 5, 2022

Model: Dunbar’s number - 5, 15, 50, 150

September 5, 2022

Model: Tuckman’s Performance Model - forming, storming, norming, performing

September 5, 2022

Model: 5 kinds of test doubles

September 2, 2022

Model: Microservices Testing Honeycomb

September 2, 2022

August  77

Metaphor: a company is like a tree

August 31, 2022

Metaphor: Catching the big fish vs learning to fish

August 31, 2022

Model: lean definition abstraction levels

August 31, 2022

Model: seven forms of waste in manufacturing

August 31, 2022

Model: static vs dynamic goal

August 31, 2022

Model: values, principles, methods, tools & activities

August 31, 2022

Quote: jidoka is the whistle

August 31, 2022

Quote: reduce variation in an organization

August 31, 2022

Quote: values guide how we should act

August 31, 2022

Quote: visualization allows improvement

August 31, 2022

Heuristic: test until fear is transformed into boredom

August 30, 2022

Metaphor: a startup is a seed in a cracked sidewalk

August 29, 2022

Model: business strategy

August 29, 2022

Model: business strategy vs operations strategy

August 29, 2022

Model: Efficiency frontier in the efficiency matrix

August 29, 2022

Model: Efficiency Matrix

August 29, 2022

Model: Lean improvement pattern: U-shaped

August 29, 2022

Model: Lean is an operations Strategy

August 29, 2022

Model: operations strategy

August 29, 2022

Model: trivial

August 29, 2022

Quote: lean operations strategy

August 29, 2022

(DRAFT) Opinion: what does a good scrum master look like

August 26, 2022

Heuristic: how iterative is a scrum-team working

August 26, 2022

Model: incremental vs iterative

August 26, 2022

Opinion: walking skeleton should include communication across micro-services

August 26, 2022

Heuristic: how hard can I advocate for my position

August 25, 2022

Heuristic: when to share my story? (CPR)

August 25, 2022

Quote: A compromise reached too soon will short-circuit dialogue.

August 25, 2022

Quote: A conversation that ends with agreement is good. A conversation that ends with action is better.

August 25, 2022

Quote: A plan to act is not complete without a plan to follow up.

August 25, 2022

Quote: Anytime you find yourself stuck, there’s likely a Crucial Conversation you’re either not holding (silence) or not holding well (verbal violence).

August 25, 2022

Quote: Creating safety isn’t just something you do in a conversation, it’s something you do through your behavior over time.

August 25, 2022

Quote: Feedback from others, while valuable, does not define our self-worth.

August 25, 2022

Quote: If you don’t talk it out, you will act it out.

August 25, 2022

Quote: it’s not the other person telling you their thoughts that builds relationship it’s them watching you listen

August 25, 2022

Quote: Our emotions are not a function of what others say or do but of the stories we tell ourselves.

August 25, 2022

Quote: The first thing that deteriorates is not our behavior but our intent.

August 25, 2022

Quote: The sooner we notice the signs that people aren’t in dialogue, the earlier we can take action to return to dialogue.

August 25, 2022

Quote: The way we initiate a conversation will determine how others reciprocate.

August 25, 2022

Quote: Why would a reasonable, rational, and decent person say this?

August 25, 2022

Quote: Your ability to truly listen is largely determined by your motive.

August 25, 2022

Course: crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan

August 22, 2022

Distinction: Secondary vs indirect needs

August 21, 2022

Model: direct vs indirect needs

August 21, 2022

Model: efficiency paradox

August 21, 2022

Model: flow efficiency

August 21, 2022

Model: flow units

August 21, 2022

Model: primary vs secondary needs

August 21, 2022

Model: resource efficiency

August 21, 2022

Model: sources of variation

August 21, 2022

Model: superfluous work

August 21, 2022

Model: value transfer - resource vs flow efficiency

August 21, 2022

Quote: throughput time in most organisations

August 21, 2022

Heuristic: when software load balancing becomes insufficient

August 19, 2022

Architecture pattern: global dns + regional load balancers

August 16, 2022

Book: release it! - Michael Nygard

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: log level INFO for interesting state transitions

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: log levels ERROR & SEVERE should require action of the by the operators

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: nominal values for continuous metrics

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: production software vs control plane

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: useful controls for Control Plane - live control

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: useful metrics

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: when to run your own software load balancer

August 16, 2022

Heuristic: when to use automation

August 16, 2022

Model: 12-factor app

August 16, 2022

Model: health check

August 16, 2022

Model: Kingman’s formula

August 16, 2022

Model: Little’s Law

August 16, 2022

Model: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model

August 16, 2022

Model: platform team

August 16, 2022

Model: push vs pull log collection

August 16, 2022

Pattern: canary deployments

August 16, 2022

Pattern: immutable infrastructure (aka phoenix server)

August 16, 2022

Pattern: put all dependencies in a private repository

August 16, 2022

Pattern: split deployment view and runtime view

August 16, 2022

Pattern: use SLA to determine when to start load shedding

August 16, 2022

Book: This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom

August 15, 2022

July  72

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - Migration Challenges

July 30, 2022

Model: The Scale Cube

July 30, 2022

Distinction: events vs messages

July 28, 2022

Distinction: responsiveness vs performance

July 28, 2022

Model: 3 data ownership patterns (in microservice architecture)

July 28, 2022

Model: 3 granularity integrators

July 28, 2022

Model: 4 data access patterns (in microservice architecture)

July 28, 2022

Model: 5 service disintegrators

July 28, 2022

Model: 3 types of latency

July 27, 2022

Model: 8 types of sagas

July 27, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 1. Cost Savings

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 2. Staff Productivity

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 3. Operational Resilience

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 4. Business Agility

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 10. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 2. Compute in the Cloud

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 3. Global Infrastructure and Reliability

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 4. Networking

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 5. Storage and Databases

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 6. Security

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 7. Monitoring and Analytics

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 8. Pricing and Support

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 9. Migration and Innovation

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - Robert Callaghan

July 26, 2022

Model: 4 benefits of cloud computing

July 26, 2022

Model: 4 cornerstones of operational resilience

July 26, 2022

Model: 6 perspectives of cloud adoption

July 26, 2022

Model: 6 pillars of Well-Architected solutions

July 26, 2022

Model: 7 migration strategies

July 26, 2022

Model: AWS Cloud Value Framework

July 26, 2022

Model: Cloud Computing benefits

July 26, 2022

Model: Cloud-based deployment models

July 26, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - bounded contexts and access data I don’t own

July 21, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - sagas: distributed transaction in microservices

July 21, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - semantic vs implementation coupling

July 21, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - service granularity

July 21, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - synchronous vs asynchronous communication

July 21, 2022

Architecture: The Hard Parts - workflow choreography vs orchestration

July 21, 2022

Course: Architecture: The Hard Parts - Neal Ford & Mark Richards

July 21, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value

July 18, 2022

AWS Technical Acceditation - APN

July 18, 2022

AWS Technical Acceditation - looking ahead

July 18, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation

July 18, 2022

Model: pioneers, settlers, town planners

July 16, 2022

Model: required vs actual communication

July 16, 2022

Session: Design Heuristics

July 16, 2022

AWS Technical Acceditation - presenting

July 15, 2022

AWS Technical Accreditation - core technologies

July 14, 2022

AWS Technical Accreditation - solutions

July 14, 2022

Course: AWS Technical Accreditation

July 14, 2022

Conference: SocratesBE 2022

July 10, 2022

Session: 7 Wastes

July 10, 2022

Session: how to know what to look for in a job

July 10, 2022

Session: Mob programming - the hard parts

July 10, 2022

Session: Pay a recruiter

July 10, 2022

Session: Team Topologies - real life experiences (how to reorganize)

July 10, 2022

Why genderless toilets?

July 10, 2022

Why work-in-progress aka inventory matters

July 4, 2022

Distinction: Notification vs Domain Event

July 3, 2022

Model: competing heuristics

July 3, 2022

Model: distill your heuristics

July 3, 2022

Model: Fat events

July 3, 2022

Model: Method for deliberate design choices

July 3, 2022

Model: Patterns vs Principles vs Heuristics

July 3, 2022

terraform & GCP

July 3, 2022

Course: ADSD - Intro to SOA

July 1, 2022

Heuristic: when you find a cyclic dependency go get a senior developer

July 1, 2022

Model: 4+1 Architectural View Model

July 1, 2022

Model: Clue Bucket (aka toolbox)

July 1, 2022

Model: Domain Event

July 1, 2022

Video: Design Heuristics - Mathias Verraes - KanDDDinsky 2018

July 1, 2022

June  7

Model: how beliefs are formed

June 30, 2022

Model: resulting - decision quality vs decision outcome

June 30, 2022

Model: 3x for estimates

June 29, 2022

Model: A better development process - Udi Dahan

June 29, 2022

Model: estimates in Agile Fluency

June 29, 2022

Model: team composition in Agile Fluency

June 29, 2022

okta problem Error retrieving the client JWKSet from jwks_uri.

June 22, 2022

May  1

Book: thinking in Bets - Annie Duke

May 17, 2022

April  1

Course: The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0

April 9, 2022

January  2

Course: Prometheus | The Complete Hands-On for Monitoring & Alerting

January 28, 2022

Model: splitting user stories

January 28, 2022

2021  83

December  2

Model: 3X - software stages

December 11, 2021

Video: XP as an Incentive System – Kent Beck – XP 2018

December 10, 2021

July  2

Model: Questions to Find People’s Native Genius

July 29, 2021

Model: The Four Practices of the Talent Magnet

July 29, 2021

April  4

Model: book knowledge vs other knowledge

April 23, 2021

Model: minority rule

April 23, 2021

How to connect an old router to hyperoptic

April 18, 2021

(Belgium) how to sign electronically with eid on a mac

April 2, 2021

February  34

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

February 26, 2021

Video: Blockchain scalability explained

February 21, 2021

Session: Service Boundaries - Tjen Wellens

February 5, 2021

Talk: Aiding bounded contexts design with design heuristics - Kamil Szymański

February 5, 2021

Talk: Explaining flow in 5 minutes - Michel Grootjans

February 5, 2021

Talk: Incidents are new normal - Kasia Balcerzak

February 5, 2021

Talk: Interview with Eric Evans - Cyrille Martraire

February 5, 2021

Talk: Sociotechnical Architecture as an enabler for Product Thinking - Eduardo da Silva

February 5, 2021

Talk: Sweet Streams are Made of These: data-driven development in stream processing - Caito Scherr

February 5, 2021

Talk: Time-based domain events quickly - Konrad Jakubiec

February 5, 2021

Conference: DDD.eu 2021

February 4, 2021

Session: Event Sourcing Applicative Profunctors - Jeremy Chassaing

February 4, 2021

Session: Heuristic Hunting Techniques - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

February 4, 2021

Session: Pseudocode Refactoring Kata - Mathias Verraes

February 4, 2021

Session: Social Problems of being a drafter - Tim Schraepen

February 4, 2021

Talk: Dearth of a Drafter - Einar Høst

February 4, 2021

Talk: No, you don’t need to access my data. - Alberto Brandolini

February 4, 2021

Talk: People and Patterns - Andrew Harmel-Law

February 4, 2021

Talk: Reductionism and Holism in DDD - Trond Hjorteland

February 4, 2021

Talk: Tech alignment with Narratives - Lothar Schulz

February 4, 2021

Talk: The businesscase for architecture - Niek Van Raaij

February 4, 2021

Talk: The Distributed Human System - Alan Jefferies

February 4, 2021

Talk: What do you mean by “is”? - Duncan Jones

February 4, 2021

Technique: Discover service boundaries (SOA)

February 4, 2021

Heuristic: Test behaviour instead of X

February 3, 2021

Heuristic: Composite Simpler Than the Sum of Its Parts

February 2, 2021

Heuristic: Context Independence

February 2, 2021

Model: 2 layers in Higher-Level Programming

February 2, 2021

Model: 3 techniques for introducing types

February 2, 2021

Model: interface vs protocol

February 2, 2021

Model: web of objects

February 2, 2021

Pattern: Adapter Layer for 3rd party integration

February 2, 2021

Pattern: Integration test should mock application objects

February 2, 2021

Pattern: Split what and how when naming

February 2, 2021

January  41

Model: Encapsulation vs Information hiding

January 31, 2021

Model: External vs Internal Quality

January 31, 2021

Model: Test Boundaries

January 31, 2021

Pattern: Include the deployment step in the testing process

January 31, 2021

Pattern: Tell, don’t ask (but sometimes ask)

January 31, 2021

Quote: design considering it’s context

January 31, 2021

Quote: how modules communicate is more important than their internals

January 31, 2021

Technique: CRC cards (Candidates, Responsibilities, Collaborators)

January 31, 2021

Technique: Outside-in TDD = London style TDD = mockist TDD = ATDD (Acceptance)

January 31, 2021

Technique: Walking Skeleton for incremental development

January 31, 2021

Model: 4 levels of empathic listening skill

January 30, 2021

Model: 5 levels of listening

January 30, 2021

Model: Anti-empathy reaction patterns

January 30, 2021

Opinion: hate originates from a desire turned sour

January 30, 2021

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 4

January 28, 2021

Meetup: Managing Feature Toggles in Teams - Paul Börding

January 21, 2021

Model: 3 degrees of certainty

January 19, 2021

Model: Anger is a protector

January 19, 2021

Model: Clarity of why, discipline of how, consistency of what

January 19, 2021

Model: Hate is a mirror

January 19, 2021

Model: people express who they are with symbols

January 19, 2021

Model: The Golden Circle

January 19, 2021

Quote: brands become symbols of who we are

January 19, 2021

Quote: cultures form around common values and beliefs

January 19, 2021

Quote: people don’t buy what you do

January 19, 2021

Quote: prove to the outside world who I am

January 19, 2021

Quote: trust emerges when not driven by self-interest

January 19, 2021

Quote: we form trust when we share values and beliefs

January 19, 2021

Quote: when people take personal risk

January 19, 2021

Quote: win for themselves

January 18, 2021

Quote: work hard for themselves

January 18, 2021

Model: Conway’s law

January 15, 2021

Opinion: we should stop ‘big bang’ company restructuring

January 15, 2021

Opinion: Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) scales the wrong way

January 14, 2021

Video: Quality is not an act, it’s a habit - Thoughtworks

January 14, 2021

Model: emotions create thougths

January 13, 2021

Video: Start With Why Book Club Part 2 - Simon Sinek

January 4, 2021

Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck - Mark Manson

January 3, 2021

Model: self-awareness onion

January 3, 2021

Simon Sinek at RSA

January 3, 2021

Book: The Language of Emotions - Karla McLaren

January 1, 2021

2020  158

December  88

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 2

December 30, 2020

Retro: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 2

December 30, 2020

Article: Pro-Con-Fix list, a simple tool for visualising a trade-off - Gien

December 29, 2020

Model: a generation is shaped by what happened in the world during their adolescence

December 28, 2020

Model: a why is fully formed by the late teens

December 28, 2020

Model: non-profit vs for-impact

December 28, 2020

Model: resilient instead of sustainable

December 28, 2020

Model: What are you willing to die for?

December 28, 2020

Model: You can’t compartmentalise emotions

December 28, 2020

Video: Emotions with Andrea Garfield - Simon Sinek

December 28, 2020

Video: Leadership through Inspiration - Simon Sinek

December 27, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek in conversation with Reggie Yates

December 27, 2020

Book: The Phoenix Project

December 26, 2020

Model: 4 types of work

December 26, 2020

Model: the three ways

December 26, 2020

Article: Does TDD really lead to good design? - Sandro Mancuso

December 25, 2020

Article: Smells to Refactorings Cheatsheet - Joshua Kerievsky

December 25, 2020

Model: 4 rules of simple design

December 25, 2020

Model: tests must clearly express required functionality

December 25, 2020

Journal: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 1

December 24, 2020

Model: Object Calisthenics

December 24, 2020

Retro: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code - day 1

December 24, 2020

Metaphor: leadership is like health

December 23, 2020

Model: balance consistency and intensity

December 23, 2020

Model: Having vs finding a vision

December 23, 2020

Model: heart-count vs head-count

December 23, 2020

Model: scale breaks things

December 23, 2020

Model: seek joy instead of happiness

December 23, 2020

Quote: humans aren’t made for scale

December 23, 2020

Quote: self-help books

December 23, 2020

Quote: the first criteria to be a leader

December 23, 2020

Quote: the only thing that makes you a leader

December 23, 2020

Quote: the reason we call it vision

December 23, 2020

Quote: to live with a servant’s heart

December 23, 2020

Quote: worthy rival

December 23, 2020

Quote: you can be a leader

December 23, 2020

Article: 1000 true fans - Kevin Kelly

December 22, 2020

Article: We are creators - André Chaperon, Shawn Twing

December 22, 2020

Model: The Long Tail

December 22, 2020

Model: what, how, why

December 22, 2020

Model: Why vs Vision

December 22, 2020

Quote: fulfilment is a right

December 22, 2020

True fans, continued

December 22, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek on leadership, and finding your calling

December 22, 2020

Video: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek

December 22, 2020

Model: Leading Questions

December 19, 2020

Model: team formation time = group size and group stability

December 19, 2020

Model: triangle relationships

December 19, 2020

Model: trust is transitive

December 19, 2020

Opinion: strongly expressed opinions help me discover mine

December 19, 2020

Pattern: Fish Bowl mob programming

December 19, 2020

Quote: true culture

December 19, 2020

Story: how I learned about Leading Questions

December 19, 2020

Model: finite vs infinite games

December 18, 2020

Model: millennial have been dealt a bad hand

December 18, 2020

Practice: Object Calisthenics + TDD + Advent of Code

December 18, 2020

Story: architecture experiment

December 18, 2020

Video: Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They’re In - Simon Sinek

December 18, 2020

Model: Grouping tests

December 17, 2020

Model: naming tests

December 17, 2020

Video: Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases - Kevlin Henney

December 17, 2020

Video: The SOLID Design Principles Deconstructed - Kevlin Henney

December 17, 2020

Video: Continous Delivery Sounds Great - Jez Humble

December 16, 2020

Video: It’s not about software anymore - Mary Poppendieck

December 15, 2020

Model: Agile Fluency

December 14, 2020

Opinion: Recruiters are unlikely to help me with my job search

December 14, 2020

Code: contentful gatsby graphql filter elemMatch AND multiple

December 12, 2020

Story: constraining a story until there is no complexity left

December 11, 2020

Story: slicing stories

December 11, 2020

Story: slicing stories as teambuilding

December 11, 2020

Argument: But work/life/reality is not a game!

December 10, 2020

Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

December 10, 2020

Book: The Wise Man’s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss

December 10, 2020

Model: company success = business + technology + personal success

December 10, 2020

Model: no estimates, estimates, beyond estimates

December 10, 2020

Opinion: only a beautiful success is worth having

December 10, 2020

Quote: win a beautiful game

December 10, 2020

Changing culture by selecting Hero Stories

December 9, 2020

Model: hero stories show the real culture

December 9, 2020

Model: workgroup vs team

December 8, 2020

Opinion: the hidden cost of preventing mistakes

December 4, 2020

Model: Agile Processes as a temporary tool to break old habits and form new ones

December 3, 2020

Model: Cynefin Framework

December 3, 2020

Model: Uncertainty of requirements defines whether to work waterfall, agile or beyond agile

December 3, 2020

Quote: free gift

December 3, 2020

Video: Agile Schizophrenia - Fred George

December 3, 2020

Video: Digital Fluency: Connecting the Dots of…

December 3, 2020

Video: How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George

December 3, 2020

November  56

Model: wisdom = aggregated local knowledge

November 30, 2020

Opinion: on positive discrimination

November 30, 2020

Quest: Build a valuable software product

November 29, 2020

Quest: Create an awesome company culture

November 29, 2020

Quest: Learn & teach more efficiently

November 29, 2020

Quest: Work in a high performing team

November 29, 2020

Video: The Development Metrics You Should Use (But Don’t) - Catherine Swetel

November 29, 2020

Video: Computer Science - A Guide for the Perpl…

November 28, 2020

Video: Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, t…

November 28, 2020

Video: Unconditional Code - Michael Feathers

November 28, 2020

Book: Refactoring - Martin Fowler

November 24, 2020

Can we use an Andon Cord in programming?

November 24, 2020

Opinion: better process to extract a service from big-ball-of-mud

November 24, 2020

Opinion: todo - doing - done is too limited

November 24, 2020

Quote: less andon cord pulls means less learning

November 24, 2020

Quote: purpose of kanban

November 24, 2020

Story: extract a service from big-ball-of-mud

November 24, 2020

Model: Blameless Postmortem

November 22, 2020

Model: out-learn or out-produce the competition

November 22, 2020

Opinion: SCRUM is like training wheels for agile, but it’s not worth the cost!

November 22, 2020

Opinion: Where there is blame, there is no learning

November 22, 2020

Quest: Learn to write adaptable software

November 22, 2020

Quote: Copying processes does not work

November 22, 2020

Model: Fluency

November 20, 2020

How I manage my finances

November 19, 2020

Mindmark.it - the origin story

November 19, 2020

Opinion: How evernote should have moved users from their old app to the new one.

November 19, 2020

Product: Mindmark.it

November 19, 2020

Article: What is Programmer Anarchy

November 18, 2020

Video: Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George

November 18, 2020

Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George

November 17, 2020

Video: Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web - José Valim

November 16, 2020

Video: Tidy First? - Kent Beck

November 16, 2020

Video: 3x Explore, Expand, Extract - Kent Beck

November 15, 2020

Video: Beyond Agile Programming @ Startup Lessons Learned - Kent Beck

November 15, 2020

Video: Continued Learning the beauty of maintenance - Kent Beck

November 15, 2020

Video: Making Architecture Matter - Martin Fowler

November 14, 2020

Video: Not Just Code Monkeys - Martin Fowler

November 14, 2020

Video: Refactoring - Martin Fowler

November 14, 2020

Video: A Retake on the Agile Manifesto - Humble, Thomas, Badiceanu, Fowler & Kirk

November 13, 2020

Video: Navigating Politics in Agile or Lean Initiatives - Katherine Kirk

November 13, 2020

Video: SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology - Katherine Kirk & Dan North

November 13, 2020

Video: The Heart of Agile - Alistair Coc…

November 13, 2020

Video: What Does Tech Excellence Look Li…

November 13, 2020

Video: Agile Fluency - Ahmed Avais

November 12, 2020

Video: Agile Fluency - James Shore

November 12, 2020

Video: Dancing Along the Agile Fluency Path - Diana Larsen

November 12, 2020

Video: Modern Agile - Joshua Kerievsky

November 12, 2020

Video: Products over Progress - David Hussman

November 12, 2020

Video: Enabling Teams to Embrace Change…

November 11, 2020

Video: PopcornFlow - Claudio Perrone

November 11, 2020

Video: Small Is Beautiful - Kevlin Henney

November 11, 2020

Video: TDD & The Lump Of Coding Fallacy

November 9, 2020

Video: Agile Essence and Fluency - Martin Fowler

November 6, 2020

Video: Amazing Code Reviews

November 6, 2020

Video: Microservices - Martin Fowler

November 6, 2020

October  4

Video: Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

October 29, 2020

Video: building a testing culture at booking.com - Stuart Frisby

October 25, 2020

Video: Testing culture / experimentation

October 25, 2020

Video: testing culture at booking.com

October 25, 2020

June  1

Video: How Google sets goals OKRs

June 20, 2020

May  1

Video: Deliver Results, Not Just Releases - Dave Karow

May 3, 2020

April  4

Course: ADSD - Coupling

April 9, 2020

Course: ADSD - Fallacies of Distributed Computing

April 9, 2020

Course: Advanced Distributed System Design - Udi Dahan

April 9, 2020

Book: Blinkist.com - Measure What Matters - John Doerr

April 6, 2020

March  1

Video: Agile is STILL a Dirty Word! - James Birnie

March 23, 2020

January  3

EventSourcing: projection vs cache

January 15, 2020

Model: The Three Laws of TDD

January 12, 2020

Story: How I decided on how said goodbye to my team

January 2, 2020

2019  118

December  2

Article: Better than free - Kevin Kelly

December 15, 2019

Video: Does a DDD need an agile business? - virtualDDDmeetup

December 3, 2019

November  5

Book: Agile Technical Practices Distilled - Pedro, Marco, Alessandro

November 18, 2019

SocratesBE19 marketplace schedule

November 17, 2019

Technical coaching session order of sessions

November 17, 2019

Book: The Art of Empathy - Karla McLaren

November 16, 2019

Model: 6 aspects of empathy

November 16, 2019

October  2

Video: The Role of Workflows in Microservices

October 29, 2019

Model: Action Requiring Neurological Program

October 2, 2019

September  1

Book: the Wisdom of Crowds

September 20, 2019

July  23

Video: Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

July 19, 2019

Book: Crucial Conversations

July 18, 2019

Map: Crucial Conversations

July 18, 2019

Model: clever stories

July 18, 2019

Model: Create a Mutual Purpose

July 18, 2019

Model: Crucial Conversation

July 18, 2019

Model: decision making methods

July 18, 2019

Model: how to disagree (ABC)

July 18, 2019

Model: path to action & retracing your path

July 18, 2019

Model: power listening tools (AMPP)

July 18, 2019

Model: silence or violence

July 18, 2019

Model: speaking persuasively (STATE)

July 18, 2019

Model: step out

July 18, 2019

Model: what it takes to be in dialogue

July 18, 2019

Test behavior, not implementation

July 17, 2019

Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek

July 1, 2019

Model: Are you doing Continuous Delivery?

July 1, 2019

Model: How to poke your codebase?

July 1, 2019

Model: Ideal Team Size - 7+-2 for agile teams

July 1, 2019

Model: Product vs Project Mindset

July 1, 2019

Model: Situational Awareness (aka jidoka)

July 1, 2019

Quote: Annoyed workers

July 1, 2019

Reading valuestream

July 1, 2019

June  14

Book: The Start-Up J Curve - Howard Love

June 30, 2019

Model: Cathedral builders

June 30, 2019

Model: Mindful Organisation

June 30, 2019

Model: Mission Command vs Detailed Command

June 30, 2019

Model: Product vs Technical leadership

June 30, 2019

Model: Standard Work

June 30, 2019

Model: Theory X vs Theory Z

June 30, 2019

Model: train the trainer

June 30, 2019

Model: Training Within Industry

June 30, 2019

Quote: Kaizen

June 30, 2019

Video: The Scaling Dilemma - Mary Poppendieck

June 30, 2019

Video: The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck

June 29, 2019

Book: The Start-Up J Curve - Howard Love

June 25, 2019

Model: control chart or shewart chart cf normal…

June 10, 2019

May  4

Model: 3 Axes of software development

May 1, 2019

Model: Hypothesis-driven delivery

May 1, 2019

Model: Prioritization - cost of delay vs cost to build

May 1, 2019

Model: Types of user research

May 1, 2019

April  41

Audio: AFH 016: Are You Mocking My Unit Tests?

April 30, 2019

Book: 7 Languages in 7 Weeks - Bruce Tate

April 30, 2019

BDD Is Not About Testing - Dan North

April 29, 2019

Video: Stop Over-Engenering - Greg Young

April 24, 2019

Model: zones of comfort, fear, learning, growth

April 17, 2019

Model: Design Sprint

April 15, 2019

Model: Idea Generation

April 15, 2019

Model: Problem Solving Teams

April 15, 2019

Model: rule of 3

April 15, 2019

Quote: busy == lazy

April 15, 2019

Quote: The less you do, the more of it you can do.

April 15, 2019

Video: The art of destroying software - Greg Young

April 15, 2019

Dreyfus model + dreyfus squared

April 14, 2019

Model: Technology can bring benefits if, and only if, it diminishes a limitation

April 14, 2019

Video: Software that Fits in Your Head - Dan North

April 13, 2019

Video: Software, Faster - Dan North

April 13, 2019

Video: Beyond Developer - Dan North

April 12, 2019

Video: How to Break the Rules - Dan North

April 12, 2019

Video: Patterns of Effective Teams - Dan North

April 12, 2019

Video: The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects - James Coplien

April 12, 2019

Video: Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - R. Meshenberg

April 7, 2019

Video: Scaling Yourself - Scott Hanselman

April 7, 2019

Video: The Future of Software Engineering - Mary Poppendieck

April 7, 2019

Video: Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson

April 7, 2019

Book: Refactoring to Patterns - Joshua Kerievsky

April 6, 2019

Paper: Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien

April 6, 2019

Article: Is TDD Dead? - Martin Fowler

April 5, 2019

Article: TDD is dead. Long live testing. - David Heinemeier Hansson

April 5, 2019

Video: Agile is Dead - Pragmatic Dave Thomas

April 5, 2019

Video: Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney

April 5, 2019

Video: DDD & Microservices: At Last, Some Bound…

April 5, 2019

Video: Eric Evans — Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

April 5, 2019

Video: Is TDD dead? 1: TDD and Confidence

April 5, 2019

Video: Is TDD dead? 2: Test-induced design damage

April 5, 2019

Video: Is TDD dead? 3: Feedback

April 5, 2019

Video: Is TDD Dead? 4: Costs of Testing

April 5, 2019

Video: Is TDD dead? 5: Answering Questions

April 5, 2019

Video: Software Architecture vs. Code - Simon Brown

April 5, 2019

Video: TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong - Ian Cooper

April 5, 2019

Video: The 4 meanings of event-driven architecture - Martin Fowler

April 5, 2019

Video: Why Scaling Agile Doesn’t Work - Jez Humble

April 5, 2019

March  13

Video: Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong - David Schmitz

March 22, 2019

classic vs cqrs architecture

March 16, 2019

Code snippets from GregYoung 8 CQRS Class

March 16, 2019

Domain Model - Architecture

March 16, 2019

EventStore in relational DB

March 16, 2019

high level CQRS and Event sourcing

March 16, 2019

original code snippets from GregYoung 8 CQRS Class

March 16, 2019

Video: GregYoung 8 CQRS Class

March 16, 2019

Course: CQRS in Practice

March 10, 2019

Course: Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles

March 9, 2019

Course: Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing

March 9, 2019

Greg Young — A Decade of DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing - YouTube

March 9, 2019

Greg Young - CQRS and Event Sourcing - Code on the Beach 2014 - YouTube

March 3, 2019

February  9

Book: Introducing Event Storming - Alberto Brandolini

February 24, 2019

Book: Versioning in an Event Sourced System by Gregory Young

February 24, 2019

CQRS + Event Sourcing Architecture

February 23, 2019

Model: Humble - The Ideal Team Player

February 5, 2019

Model: Maturity Continuum - 7 Habits

February 5, 2019

Model: Self-centered - The Courage to be Disliked

February 5, 2019

Model: steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

February 5, 2019

Quote: are you against layoffs

February 2, 2019

Quote: needs are never in conflict

February 1, 2019

January  4

Book: Toyota kata

January 19, 2019

Books: Beyond the Phoenix Project

January 12, 2019

Notes: Beyond the Phoenix Project

January 7, 2019

Books: Brene Brown dutch - english titles

January 6, 2019

2018  42

November  2

Model: levels of human collaboration

November 23, 2018

Book: Non-violent communication - Marshall Rosenberg

November 19, 2018

September  1

Active Constructive Responding

September 23, 2018

July  3

Video: Points Don’t Mean Prizes - Adrian Howard

July 12, 2018

Video: The Container Operator’s Manual - Alice Goldfuss | #LeadDevLondon 2018

July 12, 2018

Metaphor: Surfing the feeling

July 9, 2018

June  8

Model: identity

June 24, 2018

Model: Wellbeing = PERMA

June 24, 2018

Model: Good vs Evil characters

June 13, 2018

Model: rice culture vs grain culture

June 10, 2018

Model: Maven, Salesmen, Social Connectors

June 9, 2018

Quote: Growth

June 9, 2018

Article: How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) - Wait But Why

June 3, 2018

Model: Wait but Why career framework

June 3, 2018

May  20

Model: Boy Scout Rule

May 24, 2018

Model: Code Inflation

May 24, 2018

Model: Good vs Just

May 24, 2018

Model: How to treat people

May 24, 2018

Quote: abouts tasks and obstacles

May 24, 2018

Model: Intention = desire + expectation

May 19, 2018

Breaking habits

May 18, 2018

Replacing Habits

May 18, 2018

Model: Influence vs Concern

May 17, 2018

Model: 3 sources of meaning

May 8, 2018

Model: comforts in dark times

May 8, 2018

Quote: irreplaceable losses

May 8, 2018

Quote: Meaning

May 8, 2018

Model: Habit = Trigger + Routine + Reward

May 7, 2018

Model: control dramas

May 6, 2018

Model: 3 types of desire

May 5, 2018

Model: HSP stimulation threshold

May 4, 2018

Quote: about models

May 4, 2018

Model: the gift of disorientation

May 3, 2018

Model: Motivation - intrinsic vs extrinsic vs internal vs external

May 1, 2018

April  8

Model: Emotional Bankaccount

April 30, 2018

Model: Self-knowledge roller coaster

April 29, 2018

Model: The Yearning Hierarchy

April 29, 2018

Model: The Yearning Octopus

April 29, 2018

Quote: denial prison

April 29, 2018

Quote: Progress = Pace x Persistence

April 29, 2018

Quote: wisdom vs knowledge

April 29, 2018

Model: 3 types of perfectionism

April 28, 2018

2017  3

December  1

Model: People development, product development, product discovery

December 7, 2017

November  1

Goal setting and striving

November 8, 2017

June  1

Motivation - Intrinsic vs Extrinsic

June 27, 2017

2016  4

October  1

Speed reading

October 5, 2016

June  1

On Martial Arts and knife fighting

June 8, 2016

April  1

Video: The 4 Key Principles of The 4-Hour Body - Tim Ferriss

April 8, 2016

February  1

Booklist: Bob Martin books

February 25, 2016

2015  5

September  1

Book: Test Driven Development: By Example - Kent Beck

September 30, 2015

August  1

Course: Gamification Design 2015

August 15, 2015

May  1

Gamification Videos

May 3, 2015

April  1

Booklist: Gamification books

April 18, 2015

January  1

Book: The Richest Man in Babylon

January 26, 2015

2014  14

December  14

Google IO: Team Geek

December 25, 2014

Book: The Art of Learning - Joshua Waitzkin

December 22, 2014

Book: The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

December 22, 2014

Book: The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

December 22, 2014

Book: Zero to One - Peter Thiel & Blake Masters

December 22, 2014

Book: The Highly Sensitive Person

December 20, 2014

Book: Get Up And Do It - Beechy Colclough, Jospehine Colclough

December 16, 2014

Book: The 4-Hour Work Week

December 16, 2014

Book: Unlimited Power

December 16, 2014

Video: Hacking yourself - Dave Asprey

December 16, 2014

Book: The Power of Habit

December 15, 2014

Book: Applying UML and Patterns

December 9, 2014

Book: Head First HTML5 Programming

December 9, 2014

Video: Java Puzzlers - Joshua Bloch, Neal Gafter

December 9, 2014