( https://kk.org/thetechnium/better-than-fre/ )

Assuming you can’t defend copyright, and everything digital will eventually be free on the internet. How can you earn anything then from creating digital products?

Immediacy pay extra to get it faster, even though you can get it cheap/free later Eg. Movie opening night, beta course,…

Personalisation pay extra to have something tweaked to your preferences Eg. movie without violent/blood/sex

Interpretation software/information is free, but how do you use it? Eg. software training, free DNA sequencing but what does the data mean?

Authenticity “be sure it is bug free, reliable, and warranted” Eg. Burn your own cd vs a real cd from the artist

Accessibility owning a lot of things sucks if you have to clean, structure, manage, maintain it all Eg. Torrenting thousands of ebooks, and then what? Still pay for Amazon’s kindle ebooks…

Embodyment Eg. Ebook vs paper, mp3 vs cd vs vinyl, lan party, mp3/YouTube vs concert/performance

Patronage people want to pay the artist “But they will only pay if it is very easy to do, a reasonable amount, and they feel certain the money will directly benefit the creators.”

Findability (I prefer curation) millions of things on the internet, but which will you like? Eg. Netflix suggested for you, Amazon ‘people who bought x also bought…’

Advertisements the writer discusses it later,nit as one of the above, because this is the most ‘obvious’ way. But I think also because it matches the least with the mindset of 1000-true-followers. (ads seem more for millions instead of thousands)