Model: Action Requiring Neurological Program
Book References
pink brain, blue brain boy == girl, socialisation makes the difference
the emotional life of your brain six dimensions of emotion + meditation
self comes to mind: constructing the conscious brain action-requiring neurological program
the body has a mind of its own peripersonal space
wishcraft: how to get what you really want conscious complaining, strive for dreams,
understanding myself: a kids guide to intense emotions and strong feelings anxiety as action taking and get things done
the promise of sleep sleep hygiene
dreamland: adventures in the strance science of sleep sleeping separate
the managed heart emotion work
are you the one for me 4 impediments that make relationships unworkable
taking the war out of words avoid unintentionally evoking anger with tone, body language and gestures
taking power struggle out of parenting (audio) same but with children
born for love what babies need for learning empathy
Bureaucratizing the good samaritan humanitarian relief advertising != actual work
The upside of irrationality different responses to tragic situations