The Power of Habit says that it’s impossible to break habits. Maneesh Sethi, founder of Pavlok says that it is possible by using negative stimulus.

Pavlok is an electronic wristband which can vibrate and or give you an electric shock. It is comparable with the old rubber-band you wear on your wrist, and you snap yourself with it. Except that with Pavlok you can automate it, so you don’t self-administer the shock.

Maneesh tells the story about how he hired someone to slap him in the face every time he went on facebook. This caused him to break the habit, after a while. Let’s dive in to that habit, using the Trigger-Routine-Reward model.

Impulse ?? boredom or something / feeling lonely / under-stimulated ??
Routine I wonder what’s new on facebook
open browser
open new tab
type “fa” (autocomplete fills in ‘’)
press enter
Reward See what’s new on facebook

By punishing the habit as soon as you notice, and trying to catch yourself sooner next time, you will start breaking the habit.

According to Maneesh. At first he didn’t catch himself till after facebook was open. Then he caught himself before pressing enter. … In the end he didn’t even (dare to) think about looking on facebook. His mind naturally avoided the topic.