Course: Advanced Distributed System Design - Udi Dahan
def: Application
def: System
application !-> connectivity
8 fallacies of distributed computing
latency table
backward compatibility is a requirement for CD unless you have multiple versions & backward compatibility, dont do CD
CD will become Cdowntime
functionally separate vs physically separate
you can deploy monolith what is logically decoupled
Product vs Project maintenance is a bad metaphor, project is better
maintenance implies less skill needed, no big architecture changes
fallacy 11
Article: “4+1 views of software architecture”
Model: A better development process - Udi Dahan role: Business Analist
role: Architect
role: Project Manager
Estimates Given a - well-formed team (worked together) - with required skills (has done such things before) - of size S
decentralize business logic
3 more fallacies