Paper: CQRS Documents - by Greg Young


Column Type Comment
AggregateId guid indexed, fk aggregates
Data blob
Version int unique within aggregate
(UserId) guid
(CorrelationId) guid all events point to origin command
(SequenceNumber) long auto-incrementingeventstore as queue


Column Type Comment
AggregateId guid indexed, fk aggregates
Type varchar fully qualified name
Version int denormalized from Events

Read event

Select * from events where AggregateId =? Order by version

Write event

version = SELECT version from aggregates where AggregateId = ''
if version is null
Insert into aggregates
version = 0
if expectedversion != version
raise concurrency problem
foreach event
insert event with incremented version number
update aggregate with last version number
End Transaction


public interface IEventStore {
void SaveChanges(Guid AggregateId, int OriginatingVersion, IEnumerable<Event> events);
IEnumerable<Event> GetEventsFor(Guid AggregateId);


Column Type Comment
AggregateId guid fk aggregates
SerializedData blob
Version int version of the aggregate
select aggregateId
from snapshots s join aggregates a on a.aggregateId = a.aggregateId
where a.version - s.version > ?

Eventstorage as queue

Column Type Comment
AggregateId guid
Data blob
SequenceNumber long auto-incrementing
Version int version of the aggregate

Why: An issue that exists with many systems publishing events is that they require a two- phase commit between whatever storage they are using (Relational or otherwise) and the publishing of their events to the queue. “a catastrophe could occur during the small period of time between when the write to the data storage commits and when the write to the queue commits”

Solution: Eventstore as queue Because the values are unique and incrementing a secondary process can chase the Events table, publishing the events off to ther queue. The chasing process would simply have to store the value of the sequence number of the last event it had processed, it could even update this value with a two-phase commit bringing the update and the publish to the queue into the same transaction.


  • lowers the latency of completing the initial operation
  • limit the number of disk writes in the processing of the initial request to on


  • raises the time until the message is actually published slightly