Session: Event Sourcing Applicative Profunctors - Jeremy Chassaing
Event Sourcing in function programming
pure function, immutable objects
takes 1 event
applies it to the state
Link it together
initial state
now we have Event Sourcing
command: only what is needed to ‘decide’ event: only what is needed to ’evolve'
cf Aggregate
Take any aggregate, and it has enough information to run, without needing external data -we can rewrite any aggregate to this -without needing external data
-– Decider
decide: command -> event[] -> event[]
composed of 6 things
-Command -Event -State (list of events, or denormalized) -decide : Cmd -> State -> Event[] -evolve: State -> Event -> State -initialState: State
-isTerminal: State -> bool # sometimes you want to end (suggested) eg “close the books, and start a new fiscal year”
-– Easy way
load state evolve state save state log / persist events -not used for continual state -used when big state changes (maintenance)
performance: only load&save every 10 events
“progressive way of event sourcing”
no assumptions about - what command is - what event is - what decide is - what evolve is
-– Communicate outside aggregate boundary
example domain: todo-list
Bad pattern:
state is ’todo list'
“I can’t use this, I need to save events I get from the outside”
Eventstore: events in exact order CosmoDB: partitions are not ordered -> need to save the order in which you noticed the events
External events
if external source is ordered, no need to save ‘internal events’ if not ; you need to save internal events
state + drift : Event
if empty drift (drift is optional)
returns all commands that need to happen
(to recover from crash?)
initial state + isTerminal (to check if state needs to be cleaned up)
Actor –> Process
Aggregate: inside needs to be consistent
smaller boundary = better!
outside does not have to be consistent, but can be
we can split it whenever we want
but we can combine them for now
(as long as we don’t make connections between them that make it impossible to split them later)
Example: Game Uno
Hand 1
Hand 2
Hand 3
V1, everything async would be overkill
Functor you can have a select or map operation so that if you have a function A:string -> B:int list of strings -> list of int
Co-variant functor function A -> B F -> F
select / map : (f : a -> b) (List) = List
c -> (state -> eventlist) is incompatible with c-> d
compose a function that takes d
Game (GameCommand)
StockPile (stockpileCommand)
Hands ()
-> some ?? -> GameDecider
-> some ?? -> StockpileDecider
or if none -> empty list
-> some -> evolve Event + State
-> None
GameDecicer -> GameEvent -> GameEvent
StockpileDecicer -> StockpileEvent -> StockpileEvent
Commandx, Eventx, ?x, dx, ec, initialStatex, isTerminalx
Make a pair of both states
Cx -> DecideX Cx StateX |> map Eventx
Cy -> Decide of Cy StateY |> map EventY
evolve: E S ->
match E with
| Event for x -> evolve EventForX StateX EventForX |>
{s with x = evolve EventForX StateX }
> > at this point I dropped off, next session was starting >