Lightning Talk: Reductionism and Holism in DDD - Trond Hjorteland


“DDD is limited because it’s too structured” -- Coplien

We fight complexity by enforcing structure

We’re stuck in the analytic mindset

We use reductionism -split it up -explain the parts -to explain the whole

./resources/talk-reductionism-and-holism-in-ddd-trond-hjortela.resources/screenshot.1.png what makes sand soft

we simplify

complex -> constrained to make it complicated


“loses essential properties when taken apart” analysis is not enough

Synthesis: revert reductionism understand the whole understand the part’s role in the whole focus on function

look outside the system -business -ux domain experts often don’t know this!

Go one scope up ./resources/talk-reductionism-and-holism-in-ddd-trond-hjortela.resources/screenshot.3.png

“conceptual integrity” – Fred Brooks

Architect: support function / custodian

Sociotechnical system ./resources/talk-reductionism-and-holism-in-ddd-trond-hjortela.resources/screenshot.4.png systems have people in it

focus on outside-in