Video: Enabling Teams to Embrace Change - Gitte Klitgaard (
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- do whatever
-> within a frame
-> leader set’s the frame
“I don’t care what you do, as long as you learn from it”
fear: I can’t tell autonomous people what to do -> set the frame, set the boundaries
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each island people can talk and move around
- no test first
- squad focus should be tribe focus
almost everyone voted on psychological safety
[ ] Google has a survey/test
we changed it up a bit
- split questions into “most comfortable + least comfortable”
a lot of workshops
- sometimes more comfortable to speak to someone you don’t know very well
- small groups, max 8
psychological safety != comfortable feeling safe enough in uncomfortable situations
Action workshop
[cf popcorn flow]
eg. “my biggest fuckup of the week” eg. “take a round” - 2 minutes of thinking in silence - a round of people sharing opinions some ’think on your feet’, some ’think in their head'
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exercise: “What’s not to like about this code?”
in mob
Leadership had to go everything twice: - once in the team they lead - once in the leadership team
Q: “What do you do to make other people unsafe?” > I ask for deadlines -> people hear: “I want this done ASAP” -> I mean: “I want you to consider if you have time for this”
> bad role-models, nagging each other
diversity: gender, nationality, age, …