How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George (

one hacker away someone else talking about process like my programmer anarchy

Model: Cynefin Framework ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.png

simple: eg callcenter complex: eg payroll, taxes complex: advertising, day trading, recommendation engines, should I loan you money

) orgs good at complicated, are bad at complex

) the complicated problems have been solved already

) the money is in complex these days

) usually, you don’t know which problem you are solving you need to see how they behave

) people have a prejudice Trump sees everything as simple and solves them that way Fred George likes complex

how fast can you go?

  1. technology inhibitors
  2. process inhibitors
  3. organisation inhibitors

1) technology inhibitors

1.1) Valley Tech: bigger companies are afraid of using new open source tech ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.1.png

1.2) hardware lead times ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.2.png -> this kills capacity planning go buy extra ops guys are out of a job

1.3) Services impact ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.3.png result of previous curves

1.4) Incremental Applications ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.4.png

1.5) databases eventbus becomes the operational database yes: redundant data + no consistency but excellent architecture for complex problems ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.5.png

) open source & docker

) functional programming kafka = scala rabbitmq = erlang ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.6.png

2) Process Inhibitors

) which type of problem? (conefyn) => there are no experts in complex problems

) what to build complicated, we pushed the customer away complex: try ideas fast

./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.7.png experimentation drives innovation

) rethink interactions requirements ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.8.png

change the level of interaction with customer (from task to story, from story to feature) what are you trying to achieve

) measure what matters ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.9.png people will game those metrics tell programmers what the game is, and they will in

3) Organisational Inhibitors

) overspecialised -> overhead of communication between specialist ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.10.png

fix the titles


if you want to work on the new projects, you need one of the new titles


./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.13.png rip out desks, and install tables

no leader as title./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.14.png the person with the highest skill in the current problem, leads the team based on social anthropology

villages < 100 ppl, never had a fulltime leader

./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.15.png don’t shuffle the teams every new project

) more than just microservices ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.16.png

=> hockeystick on hockeystick ./resources/video-how-to-enable-organizations-to-go-faster-fre.resources/screenshot.17.png