Is TDD Dead? 4: Costs of Testing
=== David
other half of trade-offs things are not free
pressures and nudgings
- over-testing “never write a single line of prod code without writing a test” multiples of lines of test code per prod code what is the right ratio? how many 9’s ?
=== Kent
delta-coverage how much does a test test which none others do if you have multiple tests covering one behaviour, you have coupling
=== Martin
overshoot or undershoot only care if it’s too large
every line should have a test covering it “if I screw up this line of code, will a test fail” as long as one fails indirect is ok comment a line out, change conditional
only test things that can possibly break
=== Kent
ratio test<>prod
depends on coupling of your system
eg. compiles has high coupling
=== David
you say “150% -> 100%” I’m ok with much less
=== Martin
calibration - goldilocks
too little: can you confidently change the code, feeling if you screw something up a test will break too much whenever you change the code, you’re spending more time on tests than on code
=== David
tuning: developers consultants
=== Kent
Who is the audience
=== David
top of authority chain documentation REJECTED tests REJECTED code OK
red-green-refactor red-green dopamine refactor boring
pressure to push energy towards tests
=== Kent
when would you keep the tests, lose the code lose the tests, keep the code
=== Martin
tests = this is what it thinks it’s doing
value = double check
red-green-refactor matter of skill
dopamine = clean
=== Kent
=== David
tempting to focus on things easy to measure speed coverage ratio -> honey trap
overfocus on testing-infrastructure
TDD is very addictive practice hardly been spoken about