Is TDD dead? 5: Answering Questions


What is an example of an open source project that does TDD well?

@David common code open source only extracts commons, libraries only personal experiences of private apps

@Martin takes a lot of effort to understand the code bases where these problems occur team of 12 for a year when you’re not working on it

@Kent JUnit project

@David Are we scientific? virtually impossible to true/false it’s still worth debating

@Kent You can’t repeat because too many variables scientific mindset is still helpful no universality


What could change about the way we write software that would make TDD redundant for Kent and Martin? What could change about the way TDD is performed, to make it useful for David?

@Kent blogpost: RIP TDD problems that are solved confidence piecemeal progress always having byte sized chunk next overwhelmed -> spotlight comfort

#Martin applicability in different contexts low stress, rapid unhurriedness

no TDD when web UI

TDD in JS nasty language unfamiliar language

@David started with TDD free regression testing regression testing is awesome apply this to everything kept trying to apply it everywhere can’t use TDD for the majority of things I do when I see others having forced it, I see bad code good feelings from TDD regression suite not design driven part

@Martin natural learning: try it use it over-use it dial back

@Kent “Oh if I had an X, then this problem would be easy to solve”

make the problem easy, then solve the easy problem but making a problem easy, can be hard

looking for feedback - F5


How do you think a lack of design experience affects TDD? How do you think TDD works with an inexperienced developer?

@Martin inexperienced forces byte size pieces forces separate interface from implementation, maybe not good design produced self-testing codebase, can refactor experienced better design decisions

@David TDD is the gateway-drug for regression code and self-testing code enlightenment to testing no nuance discussions fear of shying new ppl away

@Martin Dogmatic :-( we need to keep repeating beginner stuff new people are joining

@David mutation with everyone adding their own stuff we need to reset to the beginning principles

@Kent reboot ok dont wanna lose: expectations about software dev have changed feel confident point to my contribution constructive collaberative

@David ruby: fun, hapy now taken for granted

@Martin meaning get’s lost over time different set of problems

@Davic accumulation of cruft leave good ideas the fuck alone you’re making good things worse by adding to it

@Kent build from the ground up every time from first principles

@David “how did people get to this?”

@Kent In 10 years you’ll not be able recognise what this turned into

@Martin Keep repeating the principles Mention the added things that are useful

@David ruby is a reboot functional is a reboot nodejs is a reboot rails is a reboot

success looks like being a villain

@Kent other avenues to same goals is it just a matter of design where we’re lacking

@David Fear of public saying “It’s not working for me” baby self-testing regression feeling comfortable in making changing

@Martin Agreement self-testing in code TDD is useful in some context disagree on how many? thoughtful your team find out, use, over-use