Video: PopcornFlow - Claudio Perrone ( )
4, 5, incoming
1 = no option
2 = dilemma
3 = world of possibilities
innovation accounting week by week, are the actions I’m doing, useful?
Toyota improvement kata - mechanical measurement popcorn uses opinion ask before, ask after
second priciple how does popcornflow deal with unpopular opinions -> sell the problem better -> forget about your own, work on theirs -> I tried now, system was resistant, system changes after evolution, try again
3 conditions - that problem is not a problem, it’s your perception - others agree with you - they want to act on it now
dot vote on problems
downside on improvement: more focus on improvement than living the process or delivering something
takes time agile team: pact with the devil = “their retrospectives suck” -> wasted effort
at beginning its hard to write experiments, then it becomes easy easy
fear: do small experiments
retro, totally disconnected from delivery
weekly retro just in time, write problems (5 minutes / 30 seconds) before standup retro: review, launch new ones
how to get people off the couch -> start with their problems (those you agree on)
“it only takes one person to know this, to do it well in a group”