
  1. scale out more servers CAP theorem less communication autonomous teams

  2. infrastructure as code conway’s law: org structure == architecture autonomous teams: independent deployment ops: self-service there is a cloud in your future cheaper more stable more secure more expandable infrastructure as code containers serverless = event-driven software-defined-networks

  3. The New Technology Stack dependency problem ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.10.png

api > db ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.1.png

big data ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.14.png

resilience engineering ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.15.png Book: Antifragile - Nicolas Taleb Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure - Acm Queue, September 2012



Devops ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.13.png Book: The Devops Handbook Flow Feedback Experimentation & Learning

  1. Flow ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.6.png Book: Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley

deploy all the time release is flipping the switch

  1. Feedback ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.9.png

./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.8.png Paper: Online Experimentation at Microsoft - Kohavi, Crook, Longbotham Paper: Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining - exp-platform.com/expMicrosoft.aspx

./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.png Paper: Standis Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman

Model: Problem Solving Teams ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.12.png

  1. Experimentation & Learning


  • start with signals, not requirements
  • have a problem statement, not features
  • plan with hypotheses, not estimates

if you have good problem solving teams, what good are estimates within constraints here is my constraints here is my problem experiments around a hypothesis, not backlog of stories analysis and conclusion, not guesses

Model: Design Sprint The hard part is: What problems are we gonna solve? ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.2.png Book: Sprint - Jake Knapp prototype and test any idea in 5 days before actually coding

Video: Design Sprint Google IO 2014

Model: Idea Generation idea generation (Tuesday) ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.3.png

Conformity Bias ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.4.png

Wednesday: they vote -> don’t like -> needs majority -> Attract people to ideas if you can attract a few ppl to an idea


SUMMARY ./resources/video-the-future-of-software-engineering-mary-popp.resources/screenshot.5.png


Q&A Site: www.poppendieck.com

Trend away from monolith and towards distributed systems. Try and solve problems they don’t have. Over-engineer solutions. -> Speed of learning -> Need to migrate -> Find your own solution hadoop took 8 years amazon took 5 years if you wanna do it in 6 months, you’re crazy

What do you think about the role of regulation systems like laws and government in the cloud federated world. -> there will be regulations -> cloud ppl better figure it out -> cloud can be in many different places, and the location where will change rules