• Book: Six Simple Rules - Yves Morieux, Peter Tollman
  • Book: Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull
  • Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig
  • Book: The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks
  • Book: Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley
  • Book: Building Microservices - Sam Newman
  • Book: INSPIRED - Marty Cagan
  • Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek
  • Book: Lean Startup - Eric Ries



./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-19.44.59.png cross functional team is still a silo team does not cooperate across teams, so silo, just multi functional silo

./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-19.47.19.png autonomy being so important, that

  • Book: Six simple Rules - Yves Morieux and Peter Tollman how do businesses work when large the entire problem of large companies is the balance between autonomy and cooperation

Model: Ideal Team Size - 7+-2 for agile teams What is the ideal team size? Agile answer is 7+-2 ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-19.50.43.png Robin Dunbar

inner circle 3-5 very close friends or family members
sympathy group 7-10 close friends who care about each other’s fate
hunting group 30-50 collegues who care about each other’s fate-how much it takes to achieve a goal
clan 100-150 people who maintain stable inter-personal relationships-everybody knows eachother-peer pressure works
tribe 500-2500 people who speak the same language or dialect

./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.00.21.png go modular remove dependencies - also in codebase

./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.09.51.png That’s how many it takes to bring a project like this to the market.

  • Book: Creativity Inc - Ed Catmull how Pixar managed to have great teamwork in big team ~200

When you get bigger than 7+-2 you still wanna have one team maybe multiple sub-teams but only 1 team goal nobody succeeds unless that one succeeds

A) Shared Responsibility Everybody succeeds or fails together ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.14.43.png

B) Model: Situational Awareness (aka jidoka) ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.16.02.png

  • Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig everybody on the team maintains situational awareness

What makes scaling work? “Shared goals with situational awareness across the teams that share the goal”


2.) COMPLEXITY ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.45.45.png

  • Book: The Mythical Man Month - Fred Brooks

Model: How to poke your codebase? ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.47.07.png

how to get it stable? ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.47.23.png where it’s actually in production

How to poke your code base? ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-

  • Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble split deployment vs release with feature toggles

Model: Are you doing Continuous Delivery? ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-20.48.23.png

microservice = independently deployable ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-21.00.17.png

  • Book: Building Microservices build, maintain, monitor, fix extensive automation and monitoring




Model: Product vs Project Mindset ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-21.08.39.png


  • Book: Inspired - Mary Cagan



./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-21.18.32.png ./resources/video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck.resources/screen-shot-2019-06-30-at-21.19.24.png


  • Start With Why - Dan Pink
  • The Lean Startup - Eric Ries