Book: The Art of Empathy - Karla McLaren

Model_ 6 aspects of empathy Model_ Action Requiring Neurological Program Wall_ Empathy Book References pink brain, blue brain boy == girl, socialisation makes the difference the emotional life of your brain six dimensions of emotion + meditation self comes to mind: constructing the conscious brain action-requiring neurological program the body has a mind of its own peripersonal space wishcraft: how to get what you really want conscious complaining, strive for dreams,...

November 16, 2019

Model: 6 aspects of empathy

1 Emotion Contagion Feeling what others feel 2 Empathic Accuracy Knowing what you feel Being able to name the emotion. Having specific words for different nuances of each emotion. You can develop this in interactions. When you <body language>, it seems to me that you're feeling <emotion>. Is that what's going on? 3 Emotion Regulation Making emotion less powerful, so they don’t overwhelm you. This allows you to do the next aspect (2)Naming them helps with this....

November 16, 2019