Pattern: split deployment view and runtime view

Pattern: split deployment view and runtime view Deployment view Transform sources into binaries Transform binaries into deplotments Runtime view Processes running on machines (src: Book_ release it! - Michael Nygard)

August 16, 2022

Pattern: use SLA to determine when to start load shedding

Stability Pattern_ Shed load turn away load we can't complete in time Where? Load balancers How? Health check + SLA a good health check on the first tier of services can inform the load balancer when response times are too high (in other words, higher than the SLA) Model_ health check Own response time services can measure their own response time to help with this. They can also check their own operational state to see if requests will be answered in a timely fashion....

August 16, 2022

Model: Blameless Postmortem

postmortem has 3 important jobs explain what happened apologize commit to improvement anomalies and root cause we look for causes, and any anomaly either get's labeled as a root cause or a contributing factor many times these anomalies are present during "ordinary operations, too. We give them more weight that they deserve anomalies are present all the time learn from “near misses” eg. type an incorrect command, but catch it before executing...

November 22, 2020