Heuristic: how hard can I advocate for my position

You can advocate as strongly for your position as you are willing to inquire about theirs.

August 25, 2022

Heuristic: when to share my story? (CPR)

Model_ CPR

August 25, 2022

Quote: A compromise reached too soon will short-circuit dialogue.

A compromise reached too soon will short-circuit dialogue. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: A conversation that ends with agreement is good. A conversation that ends with action is better.

A conversation that ends with agreement is good. A conversation that ends with action is better. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: A plan to act is not complete without a plan to follow up.

A plan to act is not complete without a plan to follow up. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: Anytime you find yourself stuck, there’s likely a Crucial Conversation you’re either not holding (silence) or not holding well (verbal violence).

Anytime you find yourself stuck, there’s likely a Crucial Conversation you’re either not holding (silence) or not holding well (verbal violence). (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: Creating safety isn’t just something you do in a conversation, it’s something you do through your behavior over time.

Creating safety isn’t just something you do in a conversation, it’s something you do through your behavior over time. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: Feedback from others, while valuable, does not define our self-worth.

Feedback from others, while valuable, does not define our self-worth. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: If you don’t talk it out, you will act it out.

If you don’t talk it out, you will act it out. (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022

Quote: it's not the other person telling you their thoughts that builds relationship it's them watching you listen

it's not the other person telling you their thoughts that builds relationship it's them watching you listen (src: Course_ crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan)

August 25, 2022