Video: Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney

Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney Article_ Goto Fail, Heartbleed, and Unit Testing Culture - Martin Fowler Article_ Top 10 Secure Coding Practices Model_ 3 Axes of software development as opposed to functional and non-functional functional (runtime) operational (runtime) developmental (dev time) Refactoring = keeping functional axis stable eg. func fixed dev improves ops is kept open Article: Top 10 coding practices

April 5, 2019

Video: Software Architecture vs. Code - Simon Brown

Software Architecture vs. Code • Simon Brown Book_ Software Architecture for Developers - Simon Brown Paper_ Architectural Blueprints The 4+1 View Model of Software Architecture - Philippe Kruchten Book_ Just Enough Software Architecture - George Fairbanks Paper_ Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien Article_ Test-induced design damage - David Heinemeier Hansson C4 model eg. deployment cares about containers...

April 5, 2019

Video: The 4 meanings of event-driven architecture - Martin Fowler

The many meanings of event-driven architecture - Martin Fowler Article_ What do you mean by “Event-Driven”_ 4 patterns under the name of ‘Event Driven’ Event Notification + reverse coupling + first class + flexibility of adding - no overview in code events vs commands command: response, I want this to happen Event-carried State Transfer + decoupling + availability no more calls no dependency less calls reduce load - send all needed data - copying of data - eventual consistency...

April 5, 2019

Course: CQRS in Practice

Course: CQRS in Practice ( CQRS & Onion Architecture Map CQRS & Onion Architecture where do C, Q, E belong? Map where do C, Q, E belong? Where to put Command Handlers Map Where to put Command Handlers Command reuse -> domain service Map Command reuse -> domain service Domain Service called for duplicate code Projections Map Choosing projection type A - database triggers...

March 10, 2019

Course: Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles

( Layers and modules Map Screaming architecture Map Screaming architecture ~ Functional organisation (packages) Pros & Cons Map Pros & Cons Types of Tests Map The Last Responsible Moment The Last Responsible Moment avoiding premature decisions by deferring the decisions to a point in time where the cost of not making the decision becomes greater than the cost of making the decision (src: [[course-clean-architecture-patterns-practices-and-principles....

March 9, 2019

Course: Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing

Course: Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing ( DDD relationships Map DDD relationships Layers Map Layers standard segments concern Business domain layer - invariants Map domain layer - invariants Domain services Map Domain services Infrastructure Map Infrastructure Insight: what do I log/monitor Map Insight: what do I log everything that would be an event in an event-sourced system

March 9, 2019

Book: Introducing Event Storming - Alberto Brandolini

Introducing EventStorming An act of Deliberate Collective Learning ( Preface - 25% About this book Who is this book for Notation Acknowledgments How to read this book Version 1. What does EventStorming look like? - 85% Challenging corporate processes Kicking off a startup Designing a new feature for a web app Quick EventStorming in Avanscoperta A deep dive into problem space 2. A closer look to the problem space - 80% Complexity in a nutshell, or less Organization silos Hierarchy The shape of the problem...

February 24, 2019

Book: Versioning in an Event Sourced System by Gregory Young

Versioning in an Event Sourced System

February 24, 2019

CQRS + Event Sourcing Architecture

(src: Article_ CQRS + Event Sourcing – Step by Step _ Learn CQRS and Event Sourcing - Daniel Whittaker)

February 23, 2019