AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 4. Lambda - bundling, testing and debugging

(23) Section Intro (24) Why Bundling? (25) Bundling with CDK Node Lambda (26)Webpack intro (27)Webpack setup (23) Section Intro (24) Why Bundling? options deploy all node_modules NOPE Node Lambda - with esbuild (integrated with CDK) YES webpack (hard to configure) NOPE why? growing list of dependencies typescript needs compilation to node_js (25) Bundling with CDK Node Lambda integrated with CDK uses esbuild npm install --save-dev esbuild@0 example dependency npm i uuid @types/uuid services/node-lambda/hello....

September 9, 2022

AWS & Typescript Masterclass - 5. Testing and debugging Lambdas

(28) section intro (29) CloudWatch logs (30) using AWS SDK (30) using AWS SDK npm i aws-sdk services/node-lambda/hello.ts import {S3} from "aws-sdk"; const s3Client = new S3() ... const buckets = await s3Client.listBuckets().promise(); ... body: 'here are your buckets' + JSON.stringify(buckets.Buckets) infra/SpaceStack.ts const s3PolicyStatement = new PolicyStatement(); s3PolicyStatement.addActions('s3:ListAllMyBuckets'); s3PolicyStatement.addResources('*'); // anti-pattern ; use specific! helloLambdaNodeJs.addToRolePolicy(s3PolicyStatement); (31) run lambda locally in debug mode run config (in VSCode) { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations":[ { "type": "node" "request": "launch" "name":"Debug local file", "runtimeArgs":["-r", "ts-node/register"] "args":"${relativeFile}" "env":{"AWS_REGION":"eu-west-2"} } ] } (you can add AWS credentials to env if you’re not logged in locally)...

September 9, 2022

Course: AWS & Typescript Masterclass - CDK, Serverless, React

(AWS & Typescript Masterclass - CDK, Serverless, React) Section 1: Introduction Section 2: AWS CDK & CloudFormation CDK commands Backend Section 3: Serverless project with CDK and Typescript Section 4: Serverless: AWS Lambda - bundling, testing and debugging Section 5: Testing and debugging Lambdas cdk run local lambda with sam-cli Debug typescript file with breakpoints (credentials via 1password) Section 6: AWS DynamoDb with CDK and Lambda Type Guards Section 7: [[aws-typescript-masterclass-7....

September 7, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - Migration Challenges

Migration Challenges (1) migration costs + (2) shifting to opex (3) cloud readiness (4) entrenched IT org stakeholders infra cost: perceived vs actual const saving vs pricing engagement process extra: TSO Logic: 3rd party cloud assessment migration portfolio assessment tool (MPA) Migration Challenges (1) migration costs + (2) shifting to opex (3) cloud readiness (4) entrenched IT org (1) migration costs + (2) opex model sunk cost questions:...

July 30, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 1. Cost Savings

Cost Savings analysis cost = acquisition + operational cost lower costs consumption based model: pay for what you use AWS pricing models on demand reserved (RI reserved instances) spot dedicated hosts (if needed for regulation) frequent price reductions: AWS lower prices automatically applied for customers excludes: reserved instances Amazon Flywheel scale: high volume, low margin -> price reductions eg. AWS mobile device farm for testing mobile apps !...

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 2. Staff Productivity

Staff Productivity: cloud does some of their work for them hardware (1) server (2) network (3) storage (4) application (5) facilities (6) security (1) server (2) network (3) storage (4) application (5) facilities (6) security

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 3. Operational Resilience

Model_ 4 cornerstones of operational resilience operations security software infrastructure (1) Operations (2) Security (3) Software (4) Infrastructure

July 26, 2022

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value - 4. Business Agility

Business Agility: respond faster, experiment more (compare with Model_ Cloud Computing benefits #5 speed and agility) code throughput (1) Lead Time (2) Deployment Frequency system stability (3) Change Failure Rate (4) Mean Time To Recover

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Model_ Cloud-based deployment models Model_ Cloud-based deployment models AWS core service categories

July 26, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - 10. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics details exam guide sample questions

July 26, 2022