circleci pipeline failed notification in google chat (aka gchat, hangouts)

.circleci/config.yml workflows: main: jobs: - xxx - yyy: requires: - xxx commands: notify_failure: description: Notify our gchat channel about the failure steps: - run: name: Notify failure command: ./.circleci/scripts/ when: "on_fail" jobs: xxx: steps: - run: echo "step 1" - run: echo "step 2" - notify_failure yyy: steps: - run: echo "step a" - run: echo "step b" - notify_failure .circleci/scripts/ #!/usr/bin/env bash message="pipeline failed: branch '$CIRCLE_BRANCH' job: $CIRCLE_JOB committer: @${CIRCLE_USERNAME} url: $CIRCLE_BUILD_URL " curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{\"text\":\"$message\"}" \ "$CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL" you can get the webhook url in google chat by gchat channel -> Apps & Integrations -> manage webhooks...

March 24, 2023