Project: ThoughtWorks client project 3

Build a new data platform for the Natural History Museum to accelerate the biodiversity monitoring.

October 1, 2022

Pet-Project: StudyBooks

predecessor of mindmark

February 1, 2020

Project: HoGent - blackjack

write a blackjack game algorithm in a group of students

January 1, 2015

Project: HoGent - EVA

Create a mobile & web app for an external customer in a group of students.

January 1, 2015

Project: Boardgame

Write a boardgame with a team of students.

November 1, 2014

Pet-Project: Automatic Study Combination Algorithm (ASCA)

Simultaneously attending courses from 2 schools isn’t easy! This program combined all lesson tables of all selected courses from 2 schools, to figure out a schedule so I can attend every course.

December 1, 2013

Project: Maxerva

A couple students got together to do a hackathon and build Maxerva. This ended up continuing after the hackathon. Maxerva was a desktop app to keep local files synced with the online learning platform of school.

January 1, 2011

Project: Time Tracker

Personal time tracking app, android app, released on google play store!

January 1, 2011

Pet-Project: MMORPG

Attempted (and failed MULTIPLE times) to build an entire MMORPG from scratch

January 2, 2009

Project: Recipe Writer

First time other people used my software!

January 1, 2009