Project: Blog v3

The limitations of postachio started to become too constraining for my blog/wiki. After reaching out to them and getting no reply, I decided to build it myself. Inspired by Thoughtworks Radar’s ‘headless CMS’ (eg. contentful) ‘JAMstack’ (eg. gatsby)

December 1, 2020

Project: Evernote to Contentful

Get evernote notes into contentful CMS. Inspired by Thoughtworks Radar’s ‘headless CMS’ and mention of ‘contentful’.

December 1, 2020


Highlight in online articles while reading, saved online, and review the automatically built mindmap!

August 1, 2020

Pet-Project: StudyBooks

predecessor of mindmark

February 1, 2020

Pet-Project: Astroids in Elm

I wanted to learn elm, so after learning the basics, I built a small game

April 1, 2018