Video: Beyond Developer - Dan North

Beyond Developer - Dan North Beyond Developer - Dan North @tastapod The Old Testament The New Testament help teams deliver stuff in large companies xp, scrum, … Start with eg. amazon start with press release eg. some project start with readme, then write FAQ improvement what do ppl like success in org impact (early career) influence stakeholders are peoples whose life you touch...

April 12, 2019

Video: How to Break the Rules - Dan North

Book_ The Goal - Eliyahu M. Goldratt Book_ Beyond the Goal - Eliyahu M. Goldratt Model_ Technology can bring benefits if, and only if, it diminishes a limitation How to Break the Rules - Dan North How to Break the Rules - Dan North previous talk by Linda Rising was amazing Book: The Goal Book: Beyond the Goal “Technology can bring benefits if, and only if, it diminishes a limitation....

April 12, 2019

Video: Patterns of Effective Teams - Dan North

Book_ Software, Faster - Dan North [[filing-learning-notes/|]]Paper_ The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition - Stuart E. Dreyfus Patterns of Effective Teams - Dan North Patterns of Effective Teams - Dan North 8 years in thought works bring agile in large companies small team in trading firm most performant team I’ve ever seen have person X in our team patterns effective != productive Patterns not for beginners best practices are for beginners...

April 12, 2019

Video: The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects - James Coplien

Article_ The New New Product Development Game - HBR Book_ The Knowledge-Creating Company - Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi Article_ The Big Idea_ The Wise Leader - Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi Book_ Managing Flow - Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi Book: collaborative software development that connects customers engineers and management Book_ Agile Software Development with Scrum - Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle Book_ Software in 30 Days - Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland [[filing-learning-notes/book-software-in-30-days-ken-schwaber-jeff-sutherland....

April 12, 2019

Video: Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - R. Meshenberg

Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - R. Meshenberg Principles Principles in action stateless services register to service discopvery health check get external stuff from service discovery -> test it in prod billing services (needs to be just right) limited access auditable === COST Need for microservices Contract for intermediate language (IPC) protect your dbs operational visibility is it scalable? get signal out of noise !...

April 7, 2019

Video: Scaling Yourself - Scott Hanselman

Book_ Getting Things Done - David Allen Stephen Covey 3 outcomes / day & week - Scott Hanselman Article: Communications underload - Stowe Boyd Article_ The Myth of Keeping Up - Kathy Sierra (aggregated news) - Robert Scobel [notes] Scaling Yourself • Scott Hanselm… [notes] Scaling Yourself • Scott Hanselman Quote_ do more of less feeling like a phony Hope is not a strategy...

April 7, 2019

Video: The Future of Software Engineering - Mary Poppendieck

( Book_ Antifragile - Nicolas Taleb Paper_ Resilience Engineering_ Learning to Embrace Failure - Acm Queue Book_ The DevOps Handbook - Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis Book_ Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley Paper_ Online Experimentation at Microsoft - Kohavi, Crook, Longbotham Paper: Standis Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman Book_ Sprint - Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Brad Kowitz Video_ The Design Sprint - Google I_O 2014 scale out more servers CAP theorem less communication autonomous teams...

April 7, 2019

Video: Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson

Article_ TDD is dead. Long live testing. - David Heinemeier Hansson Paper_ Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien [Notes] Video: Writing Software - David… [Notes] Video: Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson computer science vs building information systems pseudo-sciences eg. diet books -> programmers feeds Imposter Syndrome === TDD = most successful software diet - test first - test driven design measure of success = easy to test?...

April 7, 2019

Video: Agile is Dead - Pragmatic Dave Thomas

Agile is Dead - Pragmatic Dave Thomas ruby community has pushed forward testing more than any other - culture of testing - experimented with lots of forms - frameworks -> 100% now you MUST have it or they don’t value you

April 5, 2019

Video: Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney

Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney Article_ Goto Fail, Heartbleed, and Unit Testing Culture - Martin Fowler Article_ Top 10 Secure Coding Practices Model_ 3 Axes of software development as opposed to functional and non-functional functional (runtime) operational (runtime) developmental (dev time) Refactoring = keeping functional axis stable eg. func fixed dev improves ops is kept open Article: Top 10 coding practices

April 5, 2019