Model: Cathedral builders

Book_ Maverick - Ricardo Semler Book_ The Seven-Day Weekend - Ricardo Semler Quote_ Annoyed workers """ This concept that relentless improvement means the structures are in place the management is in place encouragement is in place the leadership is in place so that when people are annoyed by something in their job, their boss’s job is to help them fix it, not live with it, not ‘well, sorry that’s regulations’ but ‘okay, how about we figure out what the real problem is, maybe that’s not the problem let’s get at the root cause’ ‘how about you come up with an idea about what might make it better’ ‘Maybe we could do some experiments to figure out whether or not that really makes it better’ that’s the job of a manager in an organisation that has Cathedral builders, and really can do constant improvement all the time for decades on end """...

June 30, 2019

Model: 3 Axes of software development

Model: 3 Axes of software development as opposed to functional and non-functional functional (runtime) operational (runtime) developmental (dev time) Refactoring = keeping functional axis stable eg. func fixed dev improves ops is kept open (src: Video_ Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney)

May 1, 2019

Model: Hypothesis-driven delivery

Hypothesis-driven delivery (src: Video_ Why Scaling Agile Doesn’t Work - Jez Humble)

May 1, 2019

Video: The Future of Software Engineering - Mary Poppendieck

( Book_ Antifragile - Nicolas Taleb Paper_ Resilience Engineering_ Learning to Embrace Failure - Acm Queue Book_ The DevOps Handbook - Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis Book_ Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley Paper_ Online Experimentation at Microsoft - Kohavi, Crook, Longbotham Paper: Standis Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman Book_ Sprint - Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Brad Kowitz Video_ The Design Sprint - Google I_O 2014 scale out more servers CAP theorem less communication autonomous teams...

April 7, 2019

Video: Why Scaling Agile Doesn't Work - Jez Humble

Why Scaling Agile Doesn’t Work • Jez Humble Article: The IT Measurement Inversion - Douglas Hubbard Paper: Black Swan Farming using Cost of Delay - Joshua J Arnold and Ozlem Yuce Book: Impact Mapping - Gojko Adzic Video: Better product definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking - Jeff Gothelf Paper: Online experimentation at Microsoft - Kohavi Book: A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development - Gruver, Young, Fulghum Book: Leading Change - John Kotter [[model-prioritization-cost-of-delay-vs-cost-to-build....

April 5, 2019