Course: Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang) - Stephen Grider Hello world package main import "fmt" func main(){ fmt.Println("Hello world!") } go run main.go go build # compile files go run # compile + execute go fmt # format all files in PWD # dependencies: go install # install a package go get # download raw src coude go test # run tests package ~= project package main -> executable package not_main -> library package main MUST have...

March 14, 2023

Course: AWS & Typescript Masterclass - CDK, Serverless, React

(AWS & Typescript Masterclass - CDK, Serverless, React) Section 1: Introduction Section 2: AWS CDK & CloudFormation CDK commands Backend Section 3: Serverless project with CDK and Typescript Section 4: Serverless: AWS Lambda - bundling, testing and debugging Section 5: Testing and debugging Lambdas cdk run local lambda with sam-cli Debug typescript file with breakpoints (credentials via 1password) Section 6: AWS DynamoDb with CDK and Lambda Type Guards Section 7: [[aws-typescript-masterclass-7....

September 7, 2022

Course: crucial conversations - Becky Flanagan

01 Get Unstuck 02 Master My Stories 1 03 Master My Stories 2 04 Start with Heart 05 State My Path 06 Make it Safe 07 Learn to Look 08 Seek Mutual Purpose 09 Explore Others’ Paths 10 Move to Action steps: use them in order tools: use when situation calls for it models Model: crucial conversation Model: fool’s choice Model_ CPR Model_ path to action Model: downward spiral Model: fact vs story Model: types of story [[model-clever-stories....

August 22, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - Robert Callaghan

0. Course Overview 1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services 2. Compute in the Cloud 3. Global Infrastructure and Reliability 4. Networking 5. Storage and Databases 6. Security 7. Monitoring and Analytics 8. Pricing and Support 9. Migration and Innovation 10. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

July 26, 2022

Course: Architecture: The Hard Parts - Neal Ford & Mark Richards

Architecture: The Hard Parts How do I determine the appropriate level of service granularity? service granularity How do I achieve high semantic coupling and low implementation coupling? semantic vs implementation coupling How do I create bounded contexts and access data I don’t own? bounded contexts and access data I don’t own How do I decide between synchronous versus asynchronous communication? synchronous vs asynchronous communication How do I choose between choreography and orchestration for my workflow?...

July 21, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Cloud Financial Management

July 18, 2022

Course: AWS Technical Accreditation

AWS Technical Accreditation - core technologies AWS Technical Accreditation - solutions AWS Technical Acceditation - presenting AWS Technical Acceditation - looking ahead AWS Technical Acceditation - APN AWS Technical Accreditation - Cloud Architecture best practices Model_ 7 migration strategies Model_ 6 pillars of Well-Architected solutions Model_ 6 perspectives of cloud adoption Model_ 4 benefits of cloud computing

July 14, 2022

Course: The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0 bad: implicit flow → everything passes through url bar (aka front channel) through ‘front channel’ aka address bar good: back channel (aka HTTPS between browser & server → AJAX js call) client id client secret (aka client password) flow app builds url to redirect user to the auth server scope redirect uri client id login & approve & redirect back authorization code one-time-use short expiration date only usable once app contacts auth server authorization code client secret alternative to “authorization code” flow (when no client secret - aka public client) PKCE - Proof Key Code Exchange...

April 9, 2022

Course: Prometheus | The Complete Hands-On for Monitoring & Alerting

Course: Prometheus | The Complete Hands-On for Monitoring & Alerting Architecture prometheus pulls metrics discovery: hardcoded or service discovery UI localhost:9090 up - targets scraped by prometheus config file prometheus.yml Plain Text metric_name{key_name=“value”, key=“value”} metric_value Exporters get metrics from third-party systems TODO: PromQL client libs prometheus official community metric types counter - up / restarted service ...

January 28, 2022

Course: ADSD - Coupling

Course_ Advanced Distributed System Design - Udi Dahan Coupling incoming vs outgoing coupling def: incoming coupling def: outgoing coupling clarity: incoming vs outgoing count coupling X->Y x outboing 1 y incoming 1 A->B x outgoing 5 “is this class single responsibility principle” y incoming 1 “how many classes do I have to change” static analysis tool hidden coupling 3 aspects of coupling ...

April 9, 2020