Developer experience platforms - Erik Dörnenburg (1) What does the business want (2) then technology takes over number of releases per day, at the financial times predict how good your IT performs good predictor for business performance Lead Time = time between committing to source control and the feature being live in production often misunderstood Architecture awkward metaphor prestige, high standing awkward: “build & walk away” most software nowadays is built, used better metaphor: “town planning” can evolve, but still have structure eg....

June 30, 2023

Video: Design Heuristics - Mathias Verraes - KanDDDinsky 2018

(src: Model_ Clue Bucket (aka toolbox) Model_ Patterns vs Principles vs Heuristics Model_ distill your heuristics Model_ competing heuristics Heuristic: things that change together should stay together named: Single Responsibility Model_ Method for deliberate design choices Exercise Model_ Domain Event Exercise: Which attributes should be in this domain event? who placed it when was it placed Heuristic: when did something happen, is that relevant? Heuristic: what are all the timestamps that matter when it happened when we learned about it when we recorded it pre-dated who cares about this?...

July 1, 2022

Model: splitting user stories

why? - faster feedback - fit in sprint slice vertically → faster feedback only when makes sense & so it fits in a sprint (src

January 28, 2022

Video: XP as an Incentive System – Kent Beck – XP 2018 Incentive System encourages some behaviours discourages other behaviors Actual Talk: puzzle & key puzzle: why is it that we have a thing that works well & is enjoyable ; people wont do it how people look at you refactoring depends on gender on male dominated teams men who refactor → “craftsmen” women who refactor → “fussy” anecdote: warm-ups playing games, practicing forming team what does refactoring look like, if you’re really good at social interaction?...

December 10, 2021

Video: Blockchain scalability explained Problem Pick 2 out of Decentralized Secure Fast Bitcoin chooses Decentralized Secure But loses ‘fast’ Bitcoin’s proof of work limits it’s throughput to 3-7 transactions per second This is already showing as too little. A lot of energy is wasted in bitcoin Proposed solutions [bitcoin cash] Increase blocksize Proof of stake (instead of proof of work) [eos] Delegated proof of stake (DPOS sacrifices decentralisation) [ripple] transfer ‘I owe you’ (centralized) [stellar] stellar consensus protocol Side-chains (secondary layer for lower cost and higher speed) Off-chains (move entire computation outside blockchain) [lightning] Offchain state channels (part of the blockchain is locked by a smart contract that requires 100% consensus, then is transfered back to the blockchain and the state channel is closed) Offchain computations [plasma] only block headers in main chain Etherium sharding Decentralized storage

February 21, 2021

Meetup: Managing Feature Toggles in Teams - Paul Börding

Meetup: Managing Feature Toggles in Teams - Paul Börding Table of Contents Part I - unleash the potential dynamic used by default per story PART II - the cleanup tested visible short-lived Q&A Based on article: A tale of 2 teams both used feature toggles one team :-) other team :-( Why feature toggles manual deployment: features may not be ready != continuous delivery...

January 21, 2021

Video: Quality is not an act, it’s a habit - Thoughtworks Presentation by Jo Will Shalini Saini Table of Contents What is quality (in)famous bugs building quality in waterfall agile tester -> QA practices test pyramid TDD pair programming cross-functional requirements diversity and inclusion -– 1996 - 2008 6 months of testing phase what went wrong? during testing phase - ignored practical cases (manual intervention breaks the process) - load test under actual demand big bang launch...

January 14, 2021

Video: Start With Why Book Club Part 2 - Simon Sinek How do you know if your why is something you can lead with? (5:45) If you ever made a friend, you know Whys are compatible Tribal connection Not all other people What if you’re not in a position of authority, but you can clearly see the why? (7:10) Organisations are started with a why. Often not articulated. Leaders / entrepreneurs falsely believe the why is clear to everyone. Are we changing the way we try to fit or belong to a group in this covid period?...

January 4, 2021

Simon Sinek at RSA (ends at 35:23) It is difficult to answer a why question. Solution: reframe it as a what questions

January 3, 2021

Video: Emotions with Andrea Garfield - Simon Sinek (0:45) Model_ You can’t compartmentalise emotions at the beginning of covid, I called a friend and asked: How to compartmentalise emotions? I knew we were dealing with trauma, and I wanted to be mission focussed. Soldier replied: You can't compartmentalise emotions, not for a length of time. You can do it for a short period of time in battle. But you're gonna deal with it at some point. You're dealing with trauma, there is no avoiding trauma....

December 28, 2020