Google IO: Team Geek

Youtube: Grace Hopper - Nanoseconds book: Brian Tracy - The Luck Factor book + blog: Chade-Meng Tan - Search Inside Yourself book: Brian W. Fitzpatrick, Ben Collins-Sussman - Team Geek Ted + books: Dan Pink - The puzzle of motivation Dan pink: extrinsic vs intrinsic motivationautonomy: trust peoplemastery: learn and growpurpose: ownership, opinion book: Karl Fogel - Producing Open Source Software “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” site: ‘making GoogleWebToolkit better’ as an example of narrowing open source Google summer of code “You are not your code” “The world is full of crazy people, but the internet makes it look like they all live next door....

December 25, 2014

Video: Hacking yourself - Dave Asprey BIO-HACKING “the art of controlling your biology and performance by changing the environment inside and outside your body” technologies quantified self & big data biochemistry realtime feedback the bulletproof diet Nutrition first it feeds the reptile then it feeds the labrador then it feeds the human part of your brain “you eat last” Sleep Is 6.5 hours enough? > People who are healthy need less sleep! Eat for sleep Less EMF’s (electro magnetic fields) // 4 hour window where you dont make melatonin reduce blue light, add red track it -sleep cyle (app) -beddit (sleep sensor) http://www....

December 16, 2014

Video: Java Puzzlers - Joshua Bloch, Neal Gafter

( ) Book: Java puzzlers - Joshua Bloch, Neal Gafter summary: Use new BigDecimal(String), not new BigDecimal(double) Don’t assume that map.Entry objects in entrySet iteration are stable Beware of catastrophic backtracking when writing regex Generics > arrays, don’t ignore compiler warnings! Never use raw types in new code - they lose all generic type info Use L for long (not l), never start an int with 0 (makes it octal) 2: new HashSet(map....

December 9, 2014