Video: Leadership through Inspiration - Simon Sinek Simon Sinek at The Aspen Institute Interviewed by Arthur Brooks Model_ What are you willing to die for_ (17:00) Question: How to apply Model_ finite vs infinite games to Social Enterprise (non-profits)? (43:05) Model_ non-profit vs for-impact Question: How to apply Model_ finite vs infinite games to climate change? (45:55) Model_ resilient instead of sustainable

December 27, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek in conversation with Reggie Yates Do millenials know what their why is? (29:14) Why needs focus “have an impact” is too broad What is your why and has it changed? (30:26) Why inspire the people to do what inspires them, so together we can change our world Vision vast majority of the people wake up every single morning, inspired to go to work, feel safe when they're there and return home fulfilled at the end of the day [[model-a-why-is-fully-formed-by-the-late-teens....

December 27, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek on leadership, and finding your calling

( This video was more of a rapid file questions. While it contains a lot of information… …the format does not do Simon justice. He is a great speaker, and in his best talks you can feel his pain, his beliefs, his vision. Here the buildup to that is constantly interrupted by the next question. Book: Together is better - Simon Sinek Model_ what, how, why Everyone knows what we do....

December 22, 2020

Video: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek

( anecdote: vietnam war overwhelming victories for USA lost the war Book: Finite and Infinite Games - James Carcey If you have at least one competitor, you have a game Model_ finite vs infinite games When you play an infinite games, with finite rules. You race through your recourses and will infinite games: marriage friendships global politics business When you play an infinite game with finite mindset decline of trust decline of cooperation decline of innovation anecdote: apple vs microsoft...

December 22, 2020

Video: Most Leaders Don't Even Know the Game They're In - Simon Sinek

( Juniors only need to be good at their job. They get training to do a good job. People get promoted when they are good When they are promoted they stop being responsible for the work they are responsible for the people that are responsible for the work They don’t get little or no training on how to lead people. They micro-manage because they know how to do the job better, that’s why they got the promotion....

December 18, 2020

Video: Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases - Kevlin Henney

( Model_ naming tests snake case is more readable than camel case (when > 30 characters, which tests usually are) “should” is like training wheels name tests as propositions name test as Method_input_result Model_ tests must clearly express required functionality Article: Model_ Grouping tests

December 17, 2020

Video: The SOLID Design Principles Deconstructed - Kevlin Henney


December 17, 2020

Video: Continous Delivery Sounds Great - Jez Humble

Continous Delivery Sounds Great - Jez Humble ( ) Model: software = design + delivery design= unpredictable delivery = predictable lean 6 sigma doesn’t fit on software ; because software is 2 things 6 sigma tries to get all variability out of a system great for delivery, not great for design xp lean software development unix inventor of unix pipe (2) = microservices (3) = deliver early & often (4) = automate, tool based...

December 16, 2020

Video: It's not about software anymore - Mary Poppendieck

March, black swan picture taken Call to action: work & school from home by the end of the week [ ] Article: Why your company isn’t profiting from remote productivity create connection between efforts and customer value Hawthorne effect: measuring something ups the numbers for a while because of the attention proxies -> maybe / maybe not? metrics between customer and team direct connection -> see lack of satisfaction...

December 15, 2020

Video: Agile Schizophrenia - Fred George

Agile Schizophrenia - Fred George ( disruptor: challenges thinking in a organisation teams that are different -– misalignment Model_ Uncertainty of requirements defines whether to work waterfall, agile or beyond agile graveyard: agile does not work “if a project was in the graveyard I walked away” simple managers teach the best practices agile has no value here Complicated problems experts are expensive get a team to do what the experts tell “harvest their knowledge, turn it into stories”...

December 3, 2020