Video: Digital Fluency: Connecting the Dots of…

Digital Fluency: Connecting the Dots of Digital Transformation - Gary O’Brien ( What is digital? customer expectation: - high - realtime - anytime - consistent - total control - constantly changing speed: - speed you need to make decisions - speed you need to get things into market - speed of change new & emerging technology -– Companies that do this well. Same characteristics customer obsession from customer perspective “70% of our customers want a morgage” > “I don’t know anyone who wants a morgage, people want a home” “sell more morgages” vs “put people in homes”...

December 3, 2020

Video: How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George

How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George ( one hacker away someone else talking about process like my programmer anarchy Model_ Cynefin Framework simple: eg callcenter complex: eg payroll, taxes complex: advertising, day trading, recommendation engines, should I loan you money ) orgs good at complicated, are bad at complex ) the complicated problems have been solved already ) the money is in complex these days...

December 3, 2020

Video: The Development Metrics You Should Use (But Don’t) - Catherine Swetel

The Development Metrics You Should Use (But Don’t) - Catherine Swetel ( [ ] start data end date cycle time (means something else outside software development) “When can this thing be done?” > “how certain do you want to be?” 90% sure we’ll deliver it in … days why probabilities instead of standard-deviation? > our work is not normally distributed hard minimum, soft minimum, no maximum, there can always be delays...

November 29, 2020

Video: Computer Science - A Guide for the Perpl…

Computer Science - A Guide for the Perplexed - Joe Armstrong ( - A plea for Lean Software - Niklaus Wirth - The Emperor’s old clothes - ACM Turing award lecture - Tony Hoare algorithms + datastructures = Programs - Nicholas Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie ...

November 28, 2020

Video: Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, t…

Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward - Allard Buijze ( Why microservices monolith that is well-structured, can scale as well What goes in one service? What goes in another? order customer product inventory Are you micro-pile-of-shit? - redeploy multiple services at one - strong dependencies on other service before you can do something “just go up, and then go right” anti-modularity forces !...

November 28, 2020

Video: Unconditional Code - Michael Feathers

Unconditional Code - Michael Feathers ( Null Object Pattern something bad has happened, but we’ll act like it didn’t others: NaN, [], null, special case that error is part of our domain same in functional error has moved to the place where the error occurred when successful, do this -– Example count # groups of ‘1’ (blue here) “edgy code”, it has a lot of edge cases...

November 28, 2020

Video: Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George

Video: Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George Implementing Programmer Anarchy - Fred George ( story tyranny requirements hierarchy story level “Interact with customer on story level” Kent beck scrum ppl micromanage: task level standups: who is doing which task feature level: much more efficient what do you want to accomplish? ok, get out of our way I know how to get this thing done I will come ask questions when I need more information...

November 18, 2020

Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George

Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George Video: The Secret Assumption of Agile - Fred George ( tasking cycle duration of steps simple design (Model_ 4 rules of simple design) book: refactoring apply refactoring Book_ Refactoring to Patterns - Joshua Kerievsky apply patterns learn to write in this style learn + apply can learn on the job (if the team is working this way)...

November 17, 2020

Video: Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web - José Valim

Video: Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web - José Valim Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web - José Valim ( client socket server socket server channel

November 16, 2020

Video: Tidy First? - Kent Beck

Tidy First? - Kent Beck ( 2 types of people: waiters and changers 2 relationships: - waiter - changer - changer - changer (breaking api changes) -– 4 levels of insight into design there’s changes there’s 2 types of changes: structure & behavior there’s a sequence, which you can plan (“I can change this structure, so I can do that behavior change easier”) experiment: make pull requests with only behavior or only structure, get into prod user visible changes at the end of the sequence...

November 16, 2020