Video: Does a DDD need an agile business? - virtualDDDmeetup Time: Tuesday, December 3th. 2019: 19:30 Amsterdam time. On twitter, a discussion started between Trond, Anton and Krisztina about working in agile product development without a clear business goal. Since twitter is a restricted medium to discuss these issues, we are taking it upon our VirtualDDD Meetup. Join us with Trond, Anton and Krisztina and let's have an honest discussion about what it means to work agile. What are the pros and cons?...

December 3, 2019

Video: The Role of Workflows in Microservices

CamundaCon 2018: The Role of Workflows in Microservices (Camunda) “Payment probably receives multiple things to pay for” “It’s really weird that payment would know about orders, while it really shouldn’t” “But orders know they need payment”

October 29, 2019

Video: Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

Chris Voss: “Never Split the Difference” | Talks at Google Book_ Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss , Tahl Raz Book_ Never Eat Alone - Keith Ferrazzi , Tahl Raz Book_ The CEO Next Door - Elena Botelho , Kim Powell , Tahl Raz Book_ Imagine It Forward - Beth Comstock , Tahl Raz Book_ Black Swan - Nasim Taleb Book: Getting to yes - Roger Fisher and William Ury Book: Start with no - Jim Camp [[filing-web/book-beyond-winning-robert-mnookin-scott-peppet-andrew-tulumello....

July 19, 2019

Video: The Scaling Dilemma - Mary Poppendieck

Book: Six Simple Rules - Yves Morieux, Peter Tollman Book: Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks Book: Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley Book: Building Microservices - Sam Newman Book: INSPIRED - Marty Cagan Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek Book: Lean Startup - Eric Ries 1.) COOPERATION cross functional team is still a silo team does not cooperate across teams, so silo, just multi functional silo...

June 30, 2019

Video: The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck

Book The Leader’s Handbook - Peter Scholtes_ Book_ The Principles of Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor Book The Instructor, The Man, And The Job - Charles Allen_ Book: German Army Field Manual 1933/1934 Topic: Training within Industry (TWI) Statistical Process Control (SPC) - Deming Book Toyota Production System - Taiichi Ohno_ Book Workplace Management - Taiichi Ohno_ Book_ Managing the Unexpected - Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe Book: Misson Command: Command and Control of Army Forces [[filing-learning-notes/book-maverick-ricardo-semler....

June 29, 2019

BDD Is Not About Testing - Dan North

BDD Is Not About Testing - Dan North model by Neil NIckeleison Polly Anny Pixton book build vs buy stakeholders: ppl - users - programmers (feature you) - PO - security - … “people whose lives you touch” increase confidence - subjective - depends on different ppl Article: TDD is not about testing nov 3 2003 (2) Original TDD explained book, white book, kent beck 4 values - simplicity - comm - feedback - courage...

April 29, 2019

Video: Stop Over-Engenering - Greg Young

Video: Stop Over-Engenering - Greg Young Video: Stop Over-Engenering - Greg Young Am I still on the happy path NOT what are all the things that can go wrong? Cost-Benefit-Analysis on everything When is my break even? Quote: Every software developer should pay another software developer

April 24, 2019

Video: The art of destroying software - Greg Young

( Paper_ waterfall - Winston Royce Paper_ Big Ball of Mud - Brian Foote, Joseph Yoder read: alan K Article_ Dr. Alan Kay on the Meaning of Object-Oriented Programming read: Carl Huwitt -> learn erlang to learn paradigm for better OO Video: The art of destroying software - Greg Young Greg Young - The art of destroying software Paper_ waterfall - Winston Royce You should read the original waterfall pater....

April 15, 2019

Video: Software that Fits in Your Head - Dan North

Article_ Documenting Architecture Decisions - Michael Nygard OO = “little computers passing messages” Alan K replaceable component architecture Video: Software that Fits in Your Head - Dan North Software that Fits in Your Head - Dan North software is not the point productive != effective to getting the business impact understanding code code I know (new code no-one knows (middle) code everyone knows cared for...

April 13, 2019

Video: Software, Faster - Dan North

Video: Software, Faster - Dan North Software, Faster - Dan North patterns of effective delivery Jeff Sutterland talks about hyper performing teams from years to months PATTERN: repeatable strategy depends on context (vs best practice no context) has name context (where it works) warning (where it does not work) best practice -> novice design pattern book: != pattern idioms to get by in a crappy language EFFECTIVE: goal - what are we optimising for eg....

April 13, 2019