Metaphor: leadership is like health

the education to become a leader is a lifestyle, it's like the choice to become healthy at the early days it's usually a lot of heavy lifting at a steep learning curve - I have to change the way I eat - I have to go to the gym I hate that And then you get into shape and you feel good and you look good and your doctor is very happy with you And the worst part is, once you get into shape, you have to keep going to the gym and eating healthy for the rest of your life It's not something you do, achieve your goal and then stop It's the choice to live a life that way Even though there might have been a finite goal in the short term Leadership is the same it is a lifestyle it is a muscle that requires constant exercise and though you may study all of the theory about leadership and you may have been good at it at one time if you don't keep it up the muscle will atrophy (src: [[video-the-infinite-game-how-to-lead-in-the-21st-century-simon-sinek....

December 23, 2020

Model: balance consistency and intensity

Model: balance consistency and intensity Metaphor: brushing your teeth if you stop brushing your teeth and only go to the dentist once a year What does brushing your teeth for 2 minutes do? It does nothing. Unless you do it every single day Metaphor: gym you cannot go to the gym for 9 hours and get into shape but if you work out every single day for 20 minutes you'll absolutely get into shape I just don't know when companies like intensity because it’s easy to measure...

December 23, 2020

Model: Having vs finding a vision

we don't have to put pressure on ourselves to be visionary there is a very small handful of people in our population who are visionary eg. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson We don't have to have a vision, we have to find a vision If there is someone else's vision that gives us goosebumps If there is someone else's vision that we say "that's the world I want to live in" Martin Luther's "I have a dream" If you want to live in that world, choose his And devote your life and devote your career to helping build that vision in some way shape or form, even if it's only small steps

December 23, 2020

Model: heart-count vs head-count

Bob Chapman everyone is someone’s son and daughter every time they make a decision: I’m responsible for someone’s son and someone’s daughter (ref: Book_ Leaders eat last - Simon Sinek) (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 23, 2020

Model: scale breaks things

fundamentally, scale breaks things family < 25 organisations can be like a family and then they hit about 25 people and it starts to get really complicated now you need structure and hierarchy plus you're not all friends anymore ?? < 150 you can still all know everybody's name you can still refer to people you'll max out at about 150 and then it get's really complicated Quote_ humans aren’t made for scale...

December 23, 2020

Model: seek joy instead of happiness

happiness comes when you win the game you get an A on our exam your number comes up in the lottery and then it goes away joy is something more underlying The things that you will do, you will not necessarily enjoy. but the question is, do you have a sense that they are a part of something bigger? That's where the value and the joy comes from you don't get to like every day but you do get to love every day you don't like your children every day but you love your children every day we've created this unrealistic expectation that every day at work has to be amazing like every day of your relationship has to be amazing and every day in your friendship has to be amazing it's an unfair standard to put on a human being it's an unfair standard to put on an organisation Don't seek happiness happiness will happen here and there Seek joy and that comes from - relationships - belonging - cause (src: [[video-the-infinite-game-how-to-lead-in-the-21st-century-simon-sinek....

December 23, 2020

Quote: self-help books

There is an entire section in the bookshop called self-help There is no section in the bookshop called help-others (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 23, 2020

Quote: the first criteria to be a leader

Quote: the first criteria to be a leader The first criteria to be a leader is you have to want to be one -- George Flinn (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 23, 2020

Quote: the only thing that makes you a leader

The only thing that makes you a leader is that you're the one that went first You're the one that took the risk first (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 23, 2020

Quote: the reason we call it vision

the reason we call it vision is because you have to be able to see it imagine a world that is different to the world we have now that you believe that if everything you did in your organisation went perfectly, you would contribute to the building of that world (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 23, 2020