Model: superpower

A strength that is developed to the point that it starts to make up for weaknesses An example from me is note taking. I used to be quite decent at note-taking. It was effortless, and gave me energy, and I thought it was nothing special. I mean, it’s just note-taking, everyone can do that, right? Until I got some feedback from someone pointing it out as something not-normal. Which I found weird… And then another person mentioned it....

June 23, 2023

Model: When SRE? Mission Critical, Operable, Mutable

should we invest in SRE? a CI/CD pipeline could be critical what about 4am? what about 6am? how a team interacts with a system - day to day maintenance - fixes eg. success disaster -> scale rapidly eg. bad release -> rollback actions can be taken by someone else confidence - monitoring - procedures work how possible it is to change the application - make it more reliable - decrease cost of operation...

June 9, 2023

Business goals (aka role of the CEO)

Quote_ are you against layoffs “Let me review what we have agreed on. We agreed that we should, ‘Make money now as well as in the future,’ ‘Provide a secure and satisfying environment for employees now as well as in the future,’ and ‘Provide satisfaction to the market now as well as in the future.’ The first one represents the traditional view of people who own companies. The second is the traditional view of the unions, the employees’ representatives....

March 23, 2023

Model: OWASP top 10

OWASP top 10 Open Web Application Security Project OWASP top 10 - 2013 (Book_ release it!) Injection Broken Authentication and Session Management Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Broken Access Control Security Misconfiguration Sensitive Data Exposure Insufficient Attack Protection Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Underprotected APIs (src: Book_ release it! - Michael Nygard) 2017 added (4) XML External Entities (XXE) covered in (2013.1) OWASP Injection by [[|Book_ release it!...

September 10, 2022

Model: 3 future horizons

Model: 3 horizons of software development Horizon 1 covers the immediate future with products and services that will deliver results the same year; Horizon 2 covers the next few periods, with an expanding reach of the products and services; and Horizon 3 covers many months ahead, where experimentation is needed to assess market fit and suitability of new services, products, and features. (origin: Book: Lean Enterprise - Jez Humble & Joanne Molesky & Barry O’Reilly) (src: [[book-team-topologies-matthew-skelton-manuel-pais....

September 5, 2022

Model: Brooks law - adding manpower to a late software project makes it later

Model: Brooks law adding new people to a project doesn't immediately increase its capacity in fact, it quite possibly reduces capacity during an initial stage ramp-up period necessary to bring people up to speed, communication lines inside the team also increase significantly with every new member. emotional adaptation required both from new and old team member (the storming stage of Model_ Tuckman’s Performance Model) (origin: Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks) (src: [[book-team-topologies-matthew-skelton-manuel-pais....

September 5, 2022

Model: Dunbar's number - 5, 15, 50, 150

Humans can only manage about 150 relationships Even online (src: Video_ Start With Why - Simon Sinek) inner circle 3-5 very close friends or family members sympathy group 7-10 close friends who care about each other’s fate hunting group 30-50 collegues who care about each other’s fate-how much it takes to achieve a goal clan 100-150 people who maintain stable inter-personal relationships-everybody knows eachother-peer pressure works tribe 500-2500 people who speak the same language or dialect (src: [[video-the-scaling-dilemma-mary-poppendieck....

September 5, 2022

Model: Tuckman's Performance Model - forming, storming, norming, performing

(src: Book_ Team Topologies - Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais) Each stage has it’s own common feelings behaviors team tasks The feelings and behaviours are useful for recognizing which stage you’re in. And to confirm that it is completely okay to feel and behave this way! (src: Article: Using the Stages of Team Development _ MIT Human Resources)

September 5, 2022

Model: 5 kinds of test doubles

" The vocabulary for talking about this soon gets messy - all sorts of words are used: stub, mock, fake, dummy. " Test Double the generic term for any kind of pretend object used in place of a real object for testing purposes. five particular kinds of double (1) Dummy objects passed around but never actually used. eg. fill parameter lists (2) Fake objects working implementations shortcut which makes them not suitable for production eg....

September 2, 2022

Model: Microservices Testing Honeycomb

(src: Testing of Microservices - Spotify Engineering _ Spotify Engineering)

September 2, 2022